Liking The Google FeedBurner Stats

Have to say, I’m liking the addition of Google Reader’s stats to FeedBurner. Makes me think there’s a few more people reading the blog, it didn’t actually dip to double figures at the weekend even though it was a quiet one 😀 Big tip o’ the hat to FeedBurner who provide a high quality service at their free package level.

Sure, not as many as Tom Raftery who would have been a serious shoe in for that pint at the blog awards but sure there you go. Guess now we can concentrate once again on the blogging side of things and not the statistics that go behind it!


3 responses to “Liking The Google FeedBurner Stats”

  1. Tom Raftery Avatar

    Wohoo – congrats on staying in the three figures over the weekend Ken!

    On the pint front, it should be to the person with the biggest percent increase not numbers, that’ll rule me out (grrr) but it is only fair.

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Ah you never know, maybe someone will stand you a pint for simply being a nice guy!

  3. Tom Raftery Avatar

    Ah you never know, maybe someone will stand you a pint for simply being a nice guy!

    Oh yeah, that’s likely to happen! 😉

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