I’ve launched the blog for the One Take Sessions which start under KilkennyMusic.com on November 2nd in ID (formerly The Widows) on Parliament Street in Kilkenny and run every third Thursday night, commencing each night around 9:30pm.
One Take serves as an open night for solo performers and bands, though acts are able to reserve 20-minute timeslots prior to each session. The reason behind calling it ‘One Take’ is that each act is recorded and looked after by one of our engineers on the night and are then able to pick up a finalised copy of their performance for distribution within a week.
Selected tracks from each night then go forth to the Sound System Podcast, whose second show should hit the net this coming weekend (pending a final mixdown on Saturday).
If there’s any bloggers out there who happen to play a bit of music and are interested in getting up on the stage then by all means let me know!
Note: You can subscribe via Feedburner to the One Take Sessions RSS feed and yes, James, the OPML file (see also previous post) has been updated to include this latest publication 🙂
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