CreativeCamp Belfast This Weekend

The first CreativeCamp (in Ireland) hit Kilkenny this past March (I had a helping hand in organising the event), an event which started to bring in a nice concentration on design and the arts online. I had many a good conversation with film makers, visual artists, a writer, a theatre director – all of whom were starting to explore the online world as a means to promote their work and connect with fellow artists.

While artists and creative practitioners made up a small portion of the blend of people there (there were initially 120+ subscribed to attend and likely 80-90 there over the day), the key thing is that it brought creative people together from all walks of life both online and off.

So it was great to see Andy McMillan (who I got to meet at this year’s Irish Blog Awards, briefly) annouce earlier this year that CreativeCamp Belfast would be taking place. And wouldn’t you know, it’s taking place this weekend.

CreativeCamp is a self-organised “unconference” – made up of open, participatory workshop-events where the participants are responsible for setting the agenda, deciding on topics and generating the content. CreativeCamp Belfast brings together technology and creative enthusiasts who want to make things happen with web, mobile, open source, new media, music and design.

Of all the events and unconferences to provide some kind of online coverage or online archive of the day, this is one of those events I hope archives everything.

When I passed my driving test earlier in the summer (before the need to have a second driver regardless of your license kicked in) I thought, “this is great – have van, will travel. Dublin, Belfast, anywhere with a bit of motorway”.

Then in typical Irish form you get an invitation to a wedding and two fall on the same weekend, pinning me to Kilkenny on Friday and Mayo on Saturday. So there’s a slight part of me (the musician and music promotor / sponsor / butcher / baker / candlestick maker) gutted that I’m going to be missing out on talks like

  • Nick Fitzsimons – Music Licensing – What is it, how to approach it, and why it’s important
  • Rich Dale – A Manifesto for a sustainable NI Music Scene
  • Anto O’Kane – Building a new model of the music industry from the ground up – open discussion on the best way to keep a band afloat, and even make a few quid.

not to mention the rest of the talks that are taking place on the day, a number of which have yet to have their details published.

Plus it would have given me the chance to spread the wings and head to Belfast, take in a load of new faces on the day – the key thing for me behind these unconference events.

So, long spiel aside, here’s the facts –

  • CreativeCamp Belfast takes place this weekend, Saturday September 6th
  • It runs 10am to 5pm in Blick Shared Studios (map)
  • You can still register here, here or here
  • It won’t cost you a penny to attend

To those involved in CreativeCamp Belfast and those attending, have a good one!


2 responses to “CreativeCamp Belfast This Weekend”

  1. Andy Avatar

    Thanks for the plug Ken, its a shame you can’t make it but our paths shall cross again soon!

  2. Bernie Goldbach Avatar

    I really hope someone from CreativeCamp Belfast can make it to Kilkenny for the 27 Sep running of Podcamp Ireland.

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