Kudos to James for the mention of Mobileblogr (don’t know about “Ireland’s most prolific blogger but some day I’ll try make sense of it all!) and for again alerting me to the benefits of Grazr.
I’ve been looking for a convenient way to tie my little growing blog network together (currently totalling 8 active blogs and one or two inactive ones which might get new leases of life in the future) so I thought I’d give their sidebar widget a whirl to advertise the feed for Mobileblogr, get a little blog-to-blog interactivity going.
Of course, I remembered by Opmlmanager.com account and threw together an opml file (available at http://www.kenmc.com/kenmc.opml) to group together all the feeds from the 8 active blogs, allowing you to jump in and out of each of the blogs from the main kenmc.com sidebar, likely rolling out across LiverpoolAccess.com, TheFootballTimes.com and Mobileblogr over the weekend.
Talk about convenient!
Why I’ve never created a Grazr before I don’t know…. even when flicking through them on other blogs!
All I’ve to do now is work out a few theming kinks I might have introduced prior to adding the Grazr and we’ll be sorted…