Irish comedy collcetive Dreamgun are Back In Town for their latest short, only this time they’ve roped in an army of support from other actors and filmmakers plying their trades in Dublin and further afield.
In what could be a Love/Hate parody, Back In Town takes one ‘gangster’ fresh out of prison who’s looking to get back in the game, only there’s some added competition on the streets these days. (more…)
While I figure I can do a much better job bringing the footage on to the MacBook, this is a first attempt at a compilation clip using Share Factory on the PlayStation 4. (more…)
Long-time creative collaborators of mine, Mycrofilms have their latest short, Daffney Molloy, heading to IndieCork this weekend as part of the 2015 film festival’s programme of events.
By it’s full title, Daffney Molloy And Other Catastrophes, the show tells the tale of four men getting caught up in stories about a near-mythical girl from their past – apart form one of them. (more…)
It’s been quite a while since I’ve added a blog post to
What was once my sole outlet from a writing point of view has gathered layers of dust in the past few years as other avenues expanded. Design, radio, food, music, theatre and more all came in to play. (more…)
The local elections take place on 23 May 2014 and in an effort to make sense of what’s happening in Kilkenny, I’ve put together to list the candidates running in the new electoral areas in Kilkenny as well as providing some background information on the areas and the elections themselves.
Contributions of information from those running in the local elections will be welcomed.
So, the latest MacHeist bundle is out, and included with it comes MacJournal. This, is merely a test post to that case, connecting MacJournal on the desktop, back to a WordPress install.
MacBook Pro, Tracktor Kontrol S4, manual Strand LX desk – tools of the trade for last week’s performance run of Devious Theatre’s Some Flood at Cleere’s, Kilkenny. Hilarity ensued.
The 50mm lense is the accompaniment, for now, for gigs locally. Here’s two shots from JP Ryan‘s launch night for Take a Walk With Me at Set Theatre last night, joined later in the show by Clive Barnes.
Time to get shopping for a new gig lense. Find more over at
Work continues on Having resurrected the site at the end of January after about 18 months of relative inactivity, this weekend replaced the straight up blog style design used to get things back on track with a more interactive magazine style for the homepage. The Mashable-inspired MashMenu is a handy plugin to use for navigation as well.
With the content side of things returning, it was back to catching gigs on camera at the weekend with KRB, Riain, Evan Prendergast and Feibhar Baldwin-Wall all on stage at Billy Byrne’s. Photos first, then video.
Similarly, from March, the plan is to return to podcasting.
Funnily enough, it was around March time each year over the past 4-5 years that the interest in podcasting for me swells up. First with the Playlist Mix, then with trying Indie Switch for a month or two, followed up by last years testing of the waters with the Stereo Mixtape, the format for which will likely be borrowed for the latest round of podcasts.
The on-air experience gained having presented for KCLR for the past two years should hopefully lend itself both to the lead podcast and similarly with the return of the One Take Sessions as an on-air offering.
Some Flood by The Devious Theatre Company. Appearing in Dublin and Kilkenny in March 2014.
From a rooftop on a cold day in Dublin’s city centre to an underwater world, here’s the final artwork for Devious Theatre‘s Some Flood. I’d showcased the teaser version at the end of January featuring photo work from Kasia Kaminska who again provided the full body portraits of actors Eddie Murphy (left) and Kevin Mooney (right) for this version.
If you want to get your toes wet, check out Some Flood performing in Smock Alley, Dublin, as part of Collaborations 2014 on 5 & 7 March, or catch a week’s worth of performances at Cleere’s Theatre, Kilkenny, from 11-15 March including two lunchtime shows on 14 & 15 March.
There’s a flood coming. The first theatre production of 2014 that I’m working on kicks off on 1 February with a work-in-progress showing at Quarter Cork before heading to Smock Alley in March for Collaborations and Cleere’s in Kilkenny a week later.
Mugger Dave, Performing at’s One Take Sessions a few years agokilke
I’ve got unfinished business with As an online resource, it was borne out of a passion for music and local music in particular. Kicking things off in 2005, I built the platform to share and promote activities of bands on the ground in Kilkenny. In a pre-Facebook era it was the go-to place for music information, videos, gigs, photos, MP3s and had a bustling forum with membership in four figures.
Expanding from a one man operation to a four man operation, we produced countless videos, podcasts, picked up award nominations, funding, ran countless weekend shows, toured with bands, booked venues, spent way too much on printing, pints and petrol money but had huge craic along the way.
For me, the foot came off the pedal in 2011/12 as the gigs began to slow down and there wasn’t any activity at all in 2013. Local music listings and writings shifted out to the Kilkenny Events Guide, which I kicked off in 2011 and still continues today with new content partners on board for 2014 to help with the workload.
In the time since things slowed down, I’ve started in radio, reconnecting with acts we had put on the stage and reconnecting with things on the ground in terms of music. Plus, after a break that mirrors that of the One Take Sessions, I’m back playing music myself and expect to be gigging somewhat this year.
I’ve felt over the past two years or so that I could be doing the site much more the justice that it deserves, that unfinished business feeling eating away at me. So, I’m dusting things off, rebuilding from the ground up, clean slate and going for broke in 2014.
Here’s to it paying off and returning to its somewhat former glory.
Visit, find on Facebook or follow @kilkennymusic on Twitter.
One of the greatest things in the world is being in your thirties and still being able to drop into your grandparents for bun and a cup of tea any given day of the week.
Myself and herself decided to get married. Granted, we had actually decided a long time ago now, but yesterday was the day for it. And what a day. #alltimewedding.
There were new contracts. There was a wedding. There was stolen oil. There was a 30th birthday. There was a trip to France. There was a short film made. There was a whole lot of theatre produced. There was a laptop, camera and iPad stolen. There was a laptop and camera replaced. There was the Arts Festival. There was the Fringe Festival. There was Galway, first for theatre, then the stag. There was catching up with friends over dinner. There were new restaurants. There were no penalty points, accidents, or incidents on the road. There wasn’t enough cycling. There was a wedding planned. There was a new band. There were great gigs. There was Springsteen. Fleetwood Mac. There was this and so much more.
Back from a pre-stag stag, if you can call it that, exploring some of the local breweries in Dusseldorf and Cologne including Uerige, Zum Schlussel and what was one of the favourites of the weekend, Schumacher’s, all in Dusseldorf’s old town area.
The keepsakes, and thus allowing you to keep count of the beers consumed, are the beermats themselves, the process being that your beer server will place a tick on your beermat with every beer dropped to your table. I’ll have more of a recap on Any Given Food during the week.
Let’s just say it’s pretty cheap to get a train ticket from Dusseldorf to Koln (just over an hour, depending on what train you take). The morning run was about half the length but Irish Rail prices were anything like German prices for rail travel, I’d be on the train every day of the week.