

Stumbleupon, Spammers and WordPress 2.5

While I’ve had a manic enough week in the office, I grabbed some time yesterday to poke around recent web stats and tackle personal email building up in my inbox. The two things I noticed? Four out of five blog posts I’ve penned recently have been picked up by Stumbleupon users, so – welcome SU…

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I Smell A Splog –

As Keith found his feeds republished last week, I’ve found the same this week with Not only is my feed appearing (with trackbacks on all posts made thus far in the week) but so to is my feed and Devious Theatre feed. Would Ideahustle republish a feed that has me criticise whoever…

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1 Billion Spam Comments In 108 Days

Or so says Akismet in their latest stats update. I know that across all the blogs I run or lend a hand in authoring and managing that there’s been a serious uptake in the amount of spam comments. Hell, Squidoo even got in on the act (or squidoo pages) and are now feeling the wrath…

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Spammers Using Flickr As Bait

Caught this one in the mail this morning…. bravo. Hey, I dont know if you already know or if its the same person, but I’ve seen your EXACT pictures on another site. I copied the link if u want to check it out. The person is trying to pass it off as saying that its…

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Looking At The Spam Statistics

Massive percentage increase in the number of spam comments towards in recent months. It had taken me from October 2005 to February 2007 to amass 5,000 spam comments in Akismet. Since that date in February (6th) to this morning, May 17th there’s been over 25,000 more comments with the current figure Akismet is spitting…

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Those Spammers Strike Again

Damn them all to hell…. MODERATORS – This is a test from an automated software aimed at posting to “dead” forums only. If this is not an abandoned forum we apologize, simply block this nickname and we’ll not attempt to post again. This one (above) just popped up on’s forum. Upgraded to latest version…

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Spam From The New York Times?

Is someone inside the New York Times trying to reach out to blogs or is there someone sitting at home spamming away, PRETENDING to be from the New York Times? Amongst the new wave of spam mails and comments I’ve been filtering come comments from the New York Times – not only on this blog…

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Microsoft Apologises For Malware Installs

Whoever approves ads for Windows Live Messenger could possibly be looking for a new job this week. Microsoft have come out and apologised publicly for advertising Errorsafe, a known malware application, for the past few days across the Live network. The banners inside the Windows Live Messenger advertised Errorsafe, an application that claims to detect…

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The Apologetic Spammer

This is a new one… Kakabadan wrote: Sorry, I NEED to send you this messages, because I need money for medicaments 🙁 Followed by enough links to videos to put the local adult movie shop to shame. Do they think throwing in an apology is really going to entice people to shop for viagra, porn…

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PHPBB And Spam

Is anyone running an install of phpBB (the forum software) that suffers a lot from visits by unfriendly spam bots? I look after three sites which have full installs of phpBB, all three are two subversions behind the latest release – but thats ok. Two of them don’t suffer any spam problems. One of them…

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