Tag: cambodia

  • MAXroaming In Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand

    MAXroamAs I got to enjoy the use of my MAXroam sim in Germany back in January, I’m “donating it to the cause” in a few weeks, sending my sim and a capable mobile to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand as my father will spend 2-3 weeks cycling between different areas in the three countries. I would hope next year that I will be following the sim on it’s eastern world travels.

    Here’s a look at the roaming costs, compared to O2 (the family mobile operator – we’re all on O2 at the moment, including three businesses).

    While calling numbers within the countries will likely be low on the agenda, keeping contact with the family at home is key so it’s nice to see that using the MAXroam sim will save at least 50% at peak times in calls to Ireland, but it will save up to 80% on incoming calls while in Vietnam (cheers Pat). Given there is no landline to phone in Sligo, any calls home will be made to Irish mobile phones.

    MAXroam vs O2 (Vietnam)

    Incoming Call
    Outgoing Call (to Irish mobile)
    Outgoing Call (to Irish landline)
    Outgoing Call (to local landline)
    Outgoing Call (to local mobile)
    Text Message (SMS)
    Voice Mail

    MAXroam vs O2 (Cambodia)

    Incoming Call
    Outgoing Call (to Irish mobile)
    Outgoing Call (to Irish landline)
    Outgoing Call (to local landline)
    Outgoing Call (to local mobile)
    Text Message (SMS)
    Voice Mail

    MAXroam vs O2 (Thailand)

    Incoming Call
    Outgoing Call (to Irish mobile)
    Outgoing Call (to Irish landline)
    Outgoing Call (to local landline)
    Outgoing Call (to local mobile)
    Text Message (SMS)
    Voice Mail

    Given a lot of the trip will be spent in Vietnam, there should be a good saving on phone calls, if you compare the costs above. Savings are marginal on the Cambodia leg of the trip – though there are still savings while all is good in Thailand.

    Note: O2 suggest using Viettel as their ‘preferred partner network’ in Vietnam, Cam GSM for Cambodia and AIS (as opposed to DTAC) for Thailand. Prices also correct for both parties as of March 18th 2007.