Tag: college

  • Mocks.ie, Online Exam Corrections, Maths Help

    Mocks.ieI’ll guess that the mock junior and leaving cert exams have come and gone but I stumbled across Mocks.ie in the paper this morning, which should help students right up to exam time in June.

    What is it?

    Mocks.ie is an affordable online exam and correction service that gives you an easy and effective way of ensuring you are ready for the Junior and Leaving Certification Exam. With Mocks.ie’s unique service you can practice exams, monitor your progress, improve your exam performance and technique so that you achieve the results you desire.

    I’ve never gone down the grinds roads but did take an easter revision course in Waterford the year of my leaving cert (2001), aimed at one side of the honours maths paper. Between everything I was doing that year and getting involved with theatre at the time, I was leaving things a bit late to get the head down and focus on the subject I needed for my course. While the revision course was good, it lasted a few hours, or maybe over two days, I can’t remember at this stage, and that’s it. For €40 with Mocks.ie, you could sit the maths paper as often as you wanted over the course of a month, get your results, get your feedback, something that could prove quite valuable to students, and possibly something I would have taken up myself had the opportunity presented itself (though the revision course did the trick).

    Junior cert topics start from €13.95 per subject, with leaving cert topics starting at €19.95. In the case of the maths paper, the results are instant once your exam paper has been received by email / mail, with up to a seven day wait on other subjects.

    If you’ve got a junior or leaving cert student in the house or the family and they’re looking for an extra bit of help in the run up to June, it might be worth a look.

  • Waterford Institute of Technology Open Day

    Waterford Institute of TechnologyWaterford Institute of Technology, where I spent four fantastic years between 2001 and 2005, are holding an open evening for CAO applicants and undergraduates on Tuesday week, April 22nd.

    If you’re considering studying at WIT, make your way to the main campus on the Cork Road between 5:30pm and 7pm on the evening to meet and talk with students, course leaders and lecturers about the options available at WIT.

    There will also be information available on accommodation services, career paths based on your course choice, clubs and societies and more. There are three information sessions scheduled to run as well at 5:30pm, 6:15pm and 7:00pm with tours of the campus also available. Refreshments are rumoured to be offered afterwards.

    If you’re interested, you can register your attendance by emailing schoolsliaison@wit.ie or by phoning 051 845533.

    While I might have changed certain elements of the course I did in college, if I had to do things all over again I’d still pick WIT. It is a fantastic college with great resources, staff and students alike. Here’s to hoping too that they eventually pick up the much sought-after university status.