Posts Tagged

macbook pro

To iPad or Not to iPad

THE IPAD. Everyone’s talking about it, the preorders are already rolling in and as far as gadgets go, it’s one of the most anticipated releases of 2010. I feel I should be drawn to it straight away, but somehow that’s not the case. I’m a gadget fan, no doubting that. From carrying multiple smartphones to…

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New MacBook Pro Rolls In

The Apple store is getting a bundle of new products and price cuts of late – the arrival of the 32gb iPod Touch, the price cuts to the iPod Shuffle (1 gig model now available for €45 online) and the arrival of the MacBook Air. Now it’s the turn of the new MacBook and MacBook…

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Going, Going Green – Pimping My Macbook Pro

Last Friday night I fired an extra gig of ram into the Macbook Pro I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique (apologies, but I’ve got a Monty Python buzz going today). The MBP was purchased in an Apple Store! Anyway, with the extra gig of memory bringing the count to 2GB…

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