Going, Going Green – Pimping My Macbook Pro

Last Friday night I fired an extra gig of ram into the Macbook Pro I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique (apologies, but I’ve got a Monty Python buzz going today). The MBP was purchased in an Apple Store!

Green Macbook Pro CaseAnyway, with the extra gig of memory bringing the count to 2GB the laptop has been restored to a zippy state offering me better handling of the likes of Garageband and other intensive applications I hold. For my next trick, I’ve decided to go green – laptop green that is and lime green more to the point. I’ve ordered myself a 15″ SeeThru Case for the Macbook Pro from Speck Products. With the case and shipping the cost comes to just over the €50 mark but I feel it gives a good opportunity to personalise the laptop and protect the shiny silver casing it lives in.

Speck offer a variety of cases for mobile phones, iPhones, iPods and other MP3 players and I only recently discovered their offering of Macbook Pro cases. The case itself is a coloured, see-through hard casing that snaps on top and bottom of the MBP, with rubber feet for the bottom as well.

Should be a nice way of standing out from the crowd (and keeping the laptop from scratching in transit).


8 responses to “Going, Going Green – Pimping My Macbook Pro”

  1. Sean Avatar

    Sweet! Looks great! Green like event ireland? 😛

  2. Michael Flanagan Avatar

    Green is so in right now.

    I approve.

  3. Ken McGuire Avatar

    waheey. green like my blog sean!

    and I agree Michael, tis “in” right now. reckon I’ll do up a nice graphic for myself for the front of it. don’t mind so much layering something on a skin that can be removed as opposed to plastering the silver casing of the laptop in stickers…

  4. John Avatar

    Ooh that’s perty!

  5. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Perty like a fox…

  6. Paul Browne Avatar

    Ok, now I’ve got a bad case of Laptop envy …

  7. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Green with envy perhaps? 🙂 Could match the colour of my now snazzy laptop…!

  8. […] few months ago I spotted a really cool hard case for a Macbook on Ken’s blog. Ken purchased a Green from Speck […]

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