Tag: podcampireland08

  • Going PodCamping Tomorrow

    Opening Podcamp
    Creative Commons License photo credit: topgold

    So PodCamp Ireland lands tomorrow, the third unconference in 12 months I’ve been directly involved in organising. Turns out, it’s not easy, but when you get to the day it’s all good.

    Tomorrow will be no different. We’ve plenty of talks to look forward to and with 125 registered (if we got 80-90 then we’d be looking well) there’ll be a load of people to talk with and chat with. I’m sure I’ll no doubt be running around like a very calm but very headless chicken tomorrow. Along side in an organisational capacity of course are Bernie and Krishna and there’s a few people who have put themselves forward to volunteer in any capacity possible.

    The session I’ve organised for tomorrow will look at (with a bit of prodding from anyone keen on asking questions) how elements of social media and various online applications have helped the development and progress of KilkennyMusic, The Devious Theatre Company and Mycrofilms. There will be a screening before lunch of The Scarlet Lady Vanishes, followed by a Q&A with the Vultures crew, KKM crew and Devious crew but keeping the unconference notion in mind “we’ll see what happens on the day”.

    Registration is from 9:30am, I’ll be there in the hotel from about 8am, if anyone wants me tomorrow or wants to drop me a line before then, just contact me.

    Other than that, I’ll see you all tomorrow morning in Hotel Kilkenny for the second PodCamp Ireland.

  • Podcamp Ireland Podcasting Setup

    Podcamp Ireland Podcasting Setup

    Originally uploaded by kenmc

    I meant to get this posted to the blog a week ago or so – my podcasting set up for the Wednesday morning call for PodCamp Ireland.

    In the run up to PodCamp on the 27th in Kilkenny (this month) myself, Bernie Goldbach and Krishna De have been chatting every Wednesday morning at 9am for a one-hour podcast show.

    There’s regular interviews, some banter between ourselves, a hosting/domain tip from Blacknight’s Michele Neylon and a few other bits thrown in for good measure.

    So while you might hear me on a Wednesday morning, this is what I’m looking at in one corner of my office.

    Note: the description was actually in the flickr profile but the jist of what you’re looking at (outside of the laptop and second monitor) is a shielded Shure SM58 (stand cut into the desk) feeding through a Digidesign Mbox 2, connected via USB to the MacBook Pro. All audio for the MacBook on the call is routed through the Mbox, allowing me to use the SM58 with Skype.

  • PodCamp Ireland Set For September 27th 2008

    As the dust settles on 3DCamp in Limerick and bulk orders for sun cream, mustard, burgers and sausages start hitting the shops in Terryglass ahead of OpenCoffee Club BBQ in July, myself, Bernie Goldbach and Krishna De (at present) are putting the wheels in motion behind the second PodCamp Ireland.

    What we can tell you at this early stage is that the day will be bigger than last year, it will be held in Kilkenny again, and PodCamp Ireland will take place on Saturday September 27th (same weekend as last year).

    For the first themed BarCamp event of it’s type (towards podcasting and new media), we enjoyed a successful day in Kilkenny last September, opening the unconference doors to a host of new faces from the world of the arts, music, design and more.

    Bolstering content on the day through new areas of discussion and development in audio, video, podcasting, blogging and catering for complete newcomers to experienced hands, we’ll be hoping to repeat the success of last year’s inaugural event.

    If you are interested in getting involved in steering the day, lending ahead at any possible point, do get in touch with any of us. Blogging should resume on PodCampIreland.com over the coming days and weeks as we rejig the 2007 signup process to fall in line with the current system enjoyed by 3DCamp and CreativeCamp (i.e. there will be no wiki signup process as there was last year).

    You can track PodCamp Ireland developments on Jaiku by visiting the PodCamp Ireland channel, or over on Twitter track the #pci tag.