Well, the update to WordPress 2.5 went painlessly. After disabling each plugin I use, the overall upload time, upgrade time and plugin-check took about 30 minutes. Plus, I’ve remembered to set the time forward on the blog (the clocks went forward last night in case you’ve forgotton – happened me last year).
For the first time too I’ve also used the automatic plugin upgrade which was used to update the Jaiku widget on the sidebar and Google Sitemaps plugin. Handy knowing a simple click from your plugins menu will retrieve the update automatically for you without the need to disable > download new plugin > ftp plugin across > re-enable etc.
The following is a list of plugins I’m currently using, all of which showed no problems in upgrade.
- Akismet version 2.14 (a give, it’s bundled with WP2.5)
- Audio player version 1.2.3
- bhJaikuWidget (had to be updated, automatically, from version 0.2 to 0.2.1)
- FeedBurner FeedSmith version 2.2
- Flickr Badge Widget version 1.0
- Get Recent Comments version 2.0.2
- Google XML Sitemaps version (has to be updated, again, automatically)
- Secure & Accessible PHP Contact Form version 2.0
- ShareThis version 2.1
- Subscribe To Comments version 2.1.2
- Text Link Ads version 3.1.0
- Twitter Tools version 1.1b1
- What Would Seth Godin Do version 1.3
- WP 2.3 Related Posts version 0.51
I’ve one or two advertising plugins to check across other blogs yet (as well as PodPress – has anyone had any notable issues?) but with a smooth transition to 2.5 I’ll be rolling out the update across the rest of my little blogging empire over the next few days.