Posts Tagged


Lending A Hand, It’s What We’re Good At

Pic via Job losses. Everyone’s talking about them. You can sit around all day and talk, but until you do action the talking, that’s all it will be – talk. The chains are closing down. Zavvi. Land of Leather. Woolworths. I heard M&S was in trouble recently. Retail is taking a hit. Crafts and technology…

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Working For Myself, By Myself

photo credit: houseoftext The corner has well and truly turned on 2009 and as I park myself at my desk and gulp down a mug of green tea in between thoughts, I’m reminded of the year ahead for 2009. I’ve been working for myself pretty much since I left college. I did take up work…

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Wifi Breakfast Gives Food For Thought

For the last six weeks or so, maybe a little more, I’ve been making more time to get out of the office when it comes to planning on projects, dealing with client emails or any of the music and theatre related activities. I’ll either pencil a morning in at home or I’ll take to a…

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