I’ve Adopted FeedSmith – It Helps

A few days ago I installed the FeedSmith plugin, now under FeedBurner management and its been a help. FeedBurner stats showing an additional 40 readers or so, now edging that bit closer to the 200 mark.

Installation is a breeze

    1. Upload FeedSmith plugin to your plugin directory
    2. Activate it in WordPress
    3. Enter your FeedBurner URL

Using some WordPress plugin magic, and user-agent detection, this plugin simply forwards all your feed traffic to FeedBurner. The plugin will detect all ways to access your feed (e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/feed/ or http://www.yoursite.com/wp-rss2.php, etc.), and redirect them to your FeedBurner feed so you can track every possible subscriber. It will forward for your main posts feed, and optionally your main comments feed as well.

And thats it – all blog feeds now redirected back through FeedBurner. The whole process can be done (timed) in under a minute – improve your stats, track them better, make sure overall that you’re tracking all your readers. You can set it up for your comments feed as well if you’re doing that kinda thing…


5 responses to “I’ve Adopted FeedSmith – It Helps”

  1. Cormac Moylan Avatar

    It also helps if you wish to monetise your RSS feed using Feedburner’s ad program.

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Quite true. Alas, I’ve been a part of the FAN pretty much since it kicked off and the revenue isn’t massive, maybe a dollar or two every time the pay comes around. If I had ten times my current RSS readership then maybe that would be something. Have switched it off at present, seeing what I can organise feedvertising-wise with TLA.

  3. Cormac Moylan Avatar

    There is a plugin which allows you to modify the RSS feed so that you can add a referral link in the footer of each of your posts. Looks interesting.

    Not sure what it is called but Michele Neylon uses it on his feed to promote some of his sites.

  4. Sean Avatar

    This is something I wish I had when I was blogging! 😛

  5. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Something you should get back to as well!

    I’ve had more ideas for blogs this week than ever before.

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