

Work Continues on

Work continues on Having resurrected the site at the end of January after about 18 months of relative inactivity, this weekend replaced the straight up blog style design used to get things back on track with a more interactive magazine style for the homepage. The Mashable-inspired MashMenu is a handy plugin to use for…

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That New Home Workstation

So there were a few people asking for a photo for the recent DIY job I did in the house, namely in putting a new workstation into one of the rooms here. Et, voila. Moving office late last year I wound up with a large desk (one I had originally custom made to fit the…

Read More – Getting There

Being involved in the direct running of a theatre company has it’s benefits when it comes to research, testing, getting opinions and feedback from people when it comes to developing a project to assist those in the industry. Of course, when you do so many other things, time and resources that you can dedicate to…

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