

StatCounter – Don’t Count Yourself

If I’m ever setting up a project in StatCounter, the first thing I’ll do is set a blocking cookie. A few people I know have been amazed at some of their early days statistics, so many page views!! But wait, only one unique? What happened there? Well, they love their website so much that they…

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Have You A Mint?

Do any Irish or other bloggers have a mint and if so, at US$30 per site, how do you find it compares to the likes of Google Analytics or StatCounter when it comes to obtaining statistics, accuracy, layout and feel? Any thoughts at all…

StatCounter Boost Their Freebie Log Size

Looks like StatCounter (tracking all my blogs and other web projects alongside Google Analytics) have boosted the size of their logs on all free accounts from 100 entries up to 500 entries which should make the drilldown a little more interesting on busier blogs – in my case here, & I’ve been hoping…

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Page Views Are Dead – What Comes Next?

Its been a while since I pointed out one of Steve Rubel’s blog posts but he makes an interesting point today in calling out for a replacement for page views and an improved system of metrics for tracking web statistics. Allen Stern at Center Networks also makes an interesting post on the death of a…

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