
  • Booked It, Packed It, F*#ked Off

    No going back now, book the hotel for five of us to make the trip to the Blog Awards. If anything, it’ll be a session and a good night. Considering bringing some kinda of dictaphone and making a podcast out of the night, after all it will be our 10th podcast (nice to finally hit double figures).

    First place I’m gunning for is the bar where I expect Paul Browne to be on hand with the nicest pint of Heineken in Dublin. Free pints are quite often the nicest pints.

  • Blogs On Matt Cooper Yesterday, Using Google, Specialised Blogging

    Listening to the Last Word podcast (feed link here) from yesterday (6pm hour), looking at blogging, the web, tips for getting noticed and Google and more with Gerry McGovern. There’s a phone-in Mick Fealty of Slugger O’Toole as well.

    Gerry’s three tips for Google:

    • Use words (as keywords) that people will genuinely use to search for. e.g. Who searches for ‘low fares’ when people want ‘cheap flights’?
    • Get links! Google counts your links (incoming links) as votes, so get links from other sites and get yourself seen.
    • Use a good ‘title’ meta tag. No explanation for the non-techies other than if you’re a manager, get whoever looks after your website to make sure there’s a good ‘title’ meta tag in there. For the uninitiated, a ‘title’ meta tag contains the text displayed in the title bar at the top of your browser window and is used by search engines when returning results from your page. e.g. mine starts with ‘Ken McGuire :: Creative Imagination’ followed by the blog post’s name.

    Mick goes on to talk a little about Slugger O’Toole and how specialised blogging earns you a specialised audience which can potentially give you power in the market place.

    Makes for a good listen. The segment runs for a quarter of an hour or so from just after the news to the 21 minute mark in the podcast.

  • I Can’t Understand

    I love eBay, love shopping on it, love random night time browsing on it thinking “yeah… gotta get me one of those”. Their facilities are good, the service is trusted worldwide and normally things are easy to find out if you’re stuck!

    So why, if I try to contact a seller in the US, through a listing on, am I presented with drop down menus in German?

    Ken getÒ€ℒs stuck while shopping on eBay for piano keys

    Everything else up to that point was in English – the item listing, all menu options, help text etc., so whats the deal with German drop down menus, eh eBay?

    Update: this is happening on more that one listing, both listings located in the US from different sellers.

  • Microsoft Apologises For Malware Installs

    Whoever approves ads for Windows Live Messenger could possibly be looking for a new job this week. Microsoft have come out and apologised publicly for advertising Errorsafe, a known malware application, for the past few days across the Live network.

    The banners inside the Windows Live Messenger advertised Errorsafe, an application that claims to detect and repair computer problems. The software is notorious because it often gets installed without the user’s permission and because it presents false security warnings that are intended to make the user purchase a licensed copy of the software. (via)/blockquote>

    Microsoft’s response?

    We apologise for the inconvenience and are reviewing our ad approval process to reduce the chance of an occurrence such as this happening again.

    Hopefully they don’t take as long as Aer Lingus do in reviewing their handling of customer complaints. After listening to Ray D’Arcy in the office yesterday (the watchdog slot) it seems they’ve a long way to go on a promise made many moons ago…..

  • Liking The Google FeedBurner Stats

    Have to say, I’m liking the addition of Google Reader’s stats to FeedBurner. Makes me think there’s a few more people reading the blog, it didn’t actually dip to double figures at the weekend even though it was a quiet one πŸ˜€ Big tip o’ the hat to FeedBurner who provide a high quality service at their free package level.

    Sure, not as many as Tom Raftery who would have been a serious shoe in for that pint at the blog awards but sure there you go. Guess now we can concentrate once again on the blogging side of things and not the statistics that go behind it!

  • Blog News Travels Fast

    The blog awards has some nice attention down in Kilkenny anyway, the Voice and KCLR 96FM quickly on to me today so there’s “possibly a piece” in the Kilkenny Voice this week, with an actual piece on the Blog Awards likely to run the following week. Made a brief appearance for myself on the KCLR news to plug the awards and I’ll be on the radio again next week for an hour show on Tuesday night from 8 to 9pm, you can listen live on, this time the show looking more at outside of the web again, playlisting tracks from the One Take Sessions and Presents series of gigs.

    Could be a career in this radio thing yet I tell ya!

  • Shortlist Revealed For Irish Blog Awards

    Well well well… the nominees are out of the proverbial internet bag for the Irish Blog Awards. While and didn’t make it this year, I’m delighted to see that is up there for best music. Just in time for a bundle load of new features that I’ve been working on pretty much ALL weekend. Sick of staring at stylesheets WordPress now at this stage!

    Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, everyone who made the list, everyone who didn’t make the list.

    Time to crack open a Cobra I guess! πŸ˜€

  • Proposed O2 Unavailability

    In case you missed it, will ‘unavailable from 7:40pm Saturday 17th until Sunday afternoon’. Anyone want to place a wager on when that Sunday actually is? I’m down for a score on Easter Sunday….

  • SkyCon In Limerick This Weekend

    Almost forgot I’d give this one a mention by SkyCon kicks off today in Limerick. The conference is being hosted by Skynet, UL’s comp soc as part of its 15th birthday celebrations and runs today, tomorrow and Sunday. Two familiar names I see on the list of speakers include Michele Neylon and TJ McIntyre but there’s a host of techie speakers there for the weekend’s enjoyment. There’s also a birthday banquet kicking off in a few hours… full details of the programme of events here.

  • I’m On The Radio Tonight

    If you’re in the South East (and as far as the midlands) I’ll be on KCLR 96FM tonight from 8pm to 9pm, likely covering a lot of music issues though the core content will be decided later. I’ll also be bringing a selection of music with me from the archives, think I’ve got four tracks. Looking forward to the show!

    If you can’t get to the radio, KCLR are now streaming from

  • Last Chance For Vote At Irish Blog Awards

    Yep… thats it, time is almost up on your chance to vote for the likes of, (Best Technology, Best Design), (Best Sport), Mobileblogr (Best Technology) and The Kilkenny Music Blog (Best Music).

    If you haven’t voted yet and you’d like to vote for one of my nominations (thanks to those in particular who nominated and then take a minute to head over to the voting area. There’s plenty of incentives on offer now including copies of Windows Vista, a trip to New York or Thailand, free pints, design work and more.

    I’m not bribing folk into voting but if you enjoy the daily read across the blogs and fancy a vote then consider this blog! It can be your good deed for the day πŸ˜€ If anyone has already voted for them, then thank you very much! πŸ˜€

  • One Piano Happy Blogger

    So, I finally got the piano I’ve been chasing for months. Total cost: free.

    I had trawled through the buy and sell with no real joy (budget was 200 Euro and no more), checked out a few second hand piano shops (who had advised me I’d be looking at 1800 quid upwards) but as fluke luck would have it, in the music listings on after breakfast Monday appeared “free piano”.

    The piano itself is exactly the style I’m after, manufactured by TG Payne in London (must get an exact date on it) and it weighs a pure ton and more. Honest to God, heaviest thing I think I’ve ever had to lift!

    The travel and getting it into the house likely knocked it out of tune a bit (middle two octaves seem fine, outside of that is questionable) but I also picked up the piano to challenge myself, first to get back into playing and second to learn about piano tuning.

    So I get to chalk off a goal in life, didn’t think I’d get the piano itself for free but there you goo! My thanks to Maureen O’Brien in Drogheda for the piano and Shane Walsh of On Route Transport in Kilkenny for making the trip to pick it up and deliver to Kilkenny at 11pm last night πŸ™‚

  • More Video From Bar Camp Waterford

    Keith’s got video footage online of the first panel discussion from Bar Camp Waterford on raising money for your start up. If you missed the panel discussion it’s worth a watch. Some good insights there…

    Go to them – 1 | 2 | 3

  • No Such Thing As Free Online Backup

    Some things in life are free, but according to Venture Beat, online backup will never be one of those things – quite possibly due to the fact that advertising oriented business models that would suit free services, just don’t apply to online backup facilities.

    But it is the nature of backup that will lead to it not being freeÒ€¦we never view our backed up files online! For this last reason, it is near impossible to derive advertising revenue from online backup and thus it will never* be free.

    Food for thought…

  • New York Here I Come!

    I need somone to FIX the raffle at the blog awards so I get to head to New York! Fantastic offer from (i’m already an affiliate and have been for a good while). A long weekend in the Big Apple or a week in Thailand? Hell yeah!

  • Christmas Ads On Valentines?

    Still a few hours left in Valentines day and I’ve just noticed the blog is showing Christmas ads through Adsense. I reviewed the entire content of the single page post and nowhere in the post, links off the menus, feeds or comments does it mention the word Christmas!

    The word ‘holidays’ appears just once, but in relation to ‘mid term holidays’.

    Still… if I act now, I could get ten Christmas cards for four quid and same myself a lot of hassle in ten months time. Then again, I’d have to click my own ad and Google sure don’t like that!

  • Localising Your Own Ad Content?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to localise content through WordPress? e.g. You’ve got an Associate and an Associate and want to display the .com ads to US based users and content to European users?

    Any quick fix before I go hacking something?

  • 3 Beat Comreg’s 3G Requirements A Year Early

    3 Ireland today announced that they’ve beaten Comreg’s deadline of 2008 to provide at least 85% population coverage for their 3G network a whole year early, great news for the latest comer to the Irish mobile market.

    3 are currently delivering mobile broadband speeds of around 3.6mb a second, the fastest on the Irish market.

  • The Apologetic Spammer

    This is a new one…

    Kakabadan wrote:
    Sorry, I NEED to send you this messages, because I need money for medicaments

    Followed by enough links to videos to put the local adult movie shop to shame. Do they think throwing in an apology is really going to entice people to shop for viagra, porn and trawl through the dozens of links in the mail?

  • Second Coming – Vista Eats Ram

    Had my second run on that new Dell laptop this evening, setting up a wireless net connection for a friend. Have to say – the thing EATS RAM and the machine is quite sluggish in its performance. Of course I’m smiling as I’m sitting in front of a MacBook Pro, but thats another matter altogether. Its a wonder why Dell allow their Vista machines to be shipped with a half gig of RAM, or they should at least carry a warning at the ordering stage that 512mb RAM can seriously damage your health (out of frustration or lack of patience).

    I’ve an RC1 copy of Vista running on my own machine, 1GB DDR2 behind it (2×512) and there’s never a been a performance issue. Even with everything now stripped out on the laptop (AVG is the only addition to memory-resident processes) it still performs like its been drinking for the day. Tip of the week – fork out for that extra 512mb RAM, if not more.