Author: Ken McGuire

  • DRM-Free Downloads From

    A trip to before the weekend lands (if I want something for any given weekend I’ll usually order by the previous Friday) tells me they’re now doing music downloads, DRM-free music downloads at that.

    Price-wise, it’s 50c more per track for Irish users in comparison to iTunes and you can only purchase if you’ve got yourself a UK debit / credit card. Plus, the currency conversion is a little sketchy. For you regular UK readers, however, you’re looking at £0.65 or £0.70 per track.

    Quality-wise the downloads will vary at either 192k or 320k in MP3 format only and if you’ve a few pennies saved in advance of a band’s new album you can also pre-order your digital downloads to get them on the day of release. If you need to re-download the album for any reason, you can do so as well but you’ll be restricted to the amount of times you can download any given purchase.

    BBC reported earlier in the week that you’d be able to pick up albums from as little as £4.95. It will be interesting to see what, if any, dent Play’s new PlayDigital service will put into the iTunes UK store.

  • Take A Look Around CreativeCamp’s Venue

    Creative Camp takes place at The Parade Tower, Kilkenny Castle on March 8th

    It’s well publicised at this stage that CreativeCamp will be taking place within the walls of Kilkenny Castle.

    If you haven’t ever seen The Parade Tower or had a stroll around the castle itself, I’ve uploaded some photos to flickr, snapped on a visit by myself and Keith to the castle yesterday.

    If you have photos on flickr that you would like to contribute, why not tag them with ‘creativecamp08‘!

  • Topics, No Posts In PHPBB3 After PHPBB2 Conversion

    Saturday night / Sunday was spent doing a total forum upgrade on, moving from phpBB2.0.22 (legacy) to phpBB3.

    In doing the upgrade I needed to install a new copy of phpBB3, change a few URLs, download my phpBB2 database locally, convert it to the phpBB3 standard (due to timeouts on the server), upload the new database and everything was supposed to be grand.

    I won’t claim to know everything about the ins and outs of phpBB’s database structure but I’d have a fair idea of where things go.

    Flash forward an hour or so, the forum goes live once again, replying to old posts is no problem, some of the avatars missing (no big deal, only 3-4 of them site-wide) but new topics were posing a problem.

    The posts were appearing, visible in their respective forums, times and authors correct, but clicking on them would tell you the topic didn’t exist. A quick search on Google revealed nothing so some time was spent digging through the database when I noticed the topic ID’s weren’t being set in either the X_topics or X_posts table (where X denotes your phpbb3 table prefix).

    The cause of this, possibly happening during the conversion, was the topic_id field in X_topics not incrementing on posts. i.e. the field should be set to auto increment, thus solving the problem of their ID’s being set to 0.

    If you’ve got access to phpMyAdmin, log into your database, select your X_topics table (by clicking on it’s name) and hit the ‘structure’ tab when your table loads. Edit the topic_id field (pencil icon in the row) and in the extras column, add the option to auto increment.

    Presto, your posts start reappearing.

    If you’ve made posts yourself (as I had done) you’ll need to set the topic IDs manually through the database as you can’t access the post from the forum in order to delete it. In setting the topic’s ID, browse your X_topics table and sort the order by topic_id (descending). Your faulty topic should have an ID of 0, so replace it’s 0 ID with the next number you see in the sequence. e.g. You sort your table by ID in descending order and see the sequence 3412, 3411, 3410. The number for your new (and presently faulty) post should be 3413.

    The posts table was fine, the post IDs auto incrementing as they should have done, but the post wasn’t picking up the topic ID so you’ll have to enter the same topic ID into your X_posts table – that or delete the post, it’s up to you.

    Having assigned the proper topic IDs in the database, the posts reappeared online while setting the topic_id field in X_topics to auto increment prevented the problem from raising it’s head again.

    Confused? Or have you had better luck with your conversion?

  • Irish Blog Awards Shortlists Announced

    The shortlists for the third annual Irish Blog Awards have been announced. The lists in full are available here.

    Kilkenny bloggers are shortlisted in four categories – myself under Best Technology Blog, Ross Costigan for Best Photo Blog, Keith Bohanna for Best Business Blog and in Best Music Blog.

    Some of the shortlists aren’t all too short but it’s nice to be included amongst some of Ireland’s top blogs for the second year running.

    The awards this year will be held once again in the Alexander Hotel in Dublin on Saturday March 1st. If you’re planning on going along, get your registration shoes on pronto as about half the spots are already gone. There’s a 10 euro entrance fee on the night with all proceeds raised going to three nominated Irish charities – Brainwave (the Irish Epilepsy Association,) St. Francis Hospice and The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland.

    Four of us went up to the awards last year (2007 saw shortlisted in Best Music Blog), a night which was a first for me in putting many faces to names. The funny thing is, on walking in the door a lot of people (including myself) are on first name terms with other attendees, everyone you would know from the world of blogging, podcasting, Twitter and over 2007 the addition of Jaiku.

    As much as you can trade comments back and forth on various platforms, I still feel it’s really important to meet people face to face, shake someone’s hand, have a yarn about something random over a pint.

    Besides, this year there’s so much more – photo meets, tea parties, gourmet brunches…. it’s all go.

  • CreativeCamp Continues To Grow

    CreativeCamp 08 - Kilkenny City, Saturday March 8th

    Of all the BarCamp-style events that will happen throughout 2008 along with the numerous meetups for web 2.0 types, bloggers, podcasters and more, I’m really looking forward to CreativeCamp.

    Nothing to do with being involved in the organising, or the fact that it’s based in a castle, but that people from all walks are keen to get involved. We’re getting terrific suggestions and offers via email for talks and panel discussions so there’ll be no lack of content on the day.

    As it stands, the CreativeCamp speakers lists shows a mix of 13 talks and panel discussions, knowing that there are more on the way. With 29 days, 23 hours and so many minutes left to (according to the widget on Keith’s blog) there are presently 53 people registered. In personal circles I’ve had a commitment from another 5-6 people, two of them I’m trying to involve in a discussion in online video production but the registration numbers continue to grow.

    Walter suggested yesterday that CreativeCamp might indeed be Ireland’s Web2.0 Woodstock.

    That said, we’ve got no intention of handing out mind-bending drugs, burning down the castle or inviting Creedence Clearwater Revival or The Who along but it should be a great event all the same.

    If you haven’t yet registered for CreativeCamp (did I mention it’s in a castle?) and you’d like to come along on the day, or participate as a speaker, click one of the links below to sign up.

    Sign up for CreativeCamp (it’s free!) Register For CreativeCamp - It’s Free!
  • Failed To Locate Reason Engine, Exiting

    If you’re having problems accessing Reason 3.0.5 on an Intel Mac after installation and you’re getting the message “failed to locate reason engine, exiting”, every time you try to launch, the likely reason is that your ReWire folder has been set to read only.

    You’ll need to change the permissions on the folder to “Read & Write” in order to launch Reason in ReWire mode.

    To do this…

    1. Open a Finder window.
    2. Browse your hard drive, going to Library > Application Support > Propellerhead Software.
    3. Control-Click on the ReWire folder and select “Get Info”.
    4. Scroll to the end of the info window and extend the “Ownership & Permissions” (small triangle to the left).
    5. Change the permissions in “you can” to “Read & Write”.

    If you can’t change permissions, or the box is greyed out, you’ll need to change the owner (or I did anyway). The default is set to ‘system’, click the lock beside the Owner dropdown and select your username from the menu. You’ll see the permissions box is no longer greyed out. Click the lock to prevent further changes on ownership and set the permissions to “Read & Write”.

    Go back to wherever you dragged your original Reason Adapted 3 folder to (I stuck mine in Applications) and launch Reason, problem free.

  • Grazing CreativeCamp

    It’s been a while since I’ve dropped in on so when I did tonight I figured I’d whip up a handy Grazr window and feed for CreativeCamp.

    If you check out the sidebar on the CreativeCamp blog, you’ll see a nice new Grazr window on the right sidebar containing the majority of current attendees blogs. As more people (with blogs) sign up I’ll get them added to the feed as well. If you see anything that needs correcting, just let me know.

    You can also grab the Grazr feed itself by clicking here.

  • Meetup For Irish Webmasters

    It’s no secret that I have a dislike for Dublin. It’s not a place that I frequent all that often but when it comes to social gatherings, in the tech and web industry, it really is the place to be.

    Having said that, Cormac Moylan pointed out yesterday that there’s a meetup on for Irish webmasters. There’s a nice, growing list of attendees between Cormac’s post and the thread on the Irish Webmaster Forum.

    I also know, for a fact, that my chances of getting to Dublin are zero on Saturday February 9th due to commitments in Kilkenny (I think my next totally free weekend is somewhere around Easter, and at that, I’m gigging in Sligo) but if YOU would like to head along, check out the links above.

    Kick-off is scheduled for 7:30pm in the Harbour Master (IFSC), Dublin on Saturday February 9th.

  • Another Podcast, In Case You Missed It

    In case you missed it and you just happen to be looking for another Playlist Mix podcast, I released show 19 earlier this week on and MySpace.

    I’m calling it “the good mood” podcast as listening back to it I was in a ridiculously good mood.

    It’s the last of the PlaylistMix series that I’ll be recording via studio B’s PC setup (utilising the PC, Audition 2, a handy Xenyx 502 mixer and the Creative Audigy 2 ZS) as it’s been switched out to a new ProTools setup with ProTools 7.4, a few handy plugins and a Digidesign Mbox 2.

    I gave the setup a lash last night, trying to get to grips with recording and editing in ProTools in a short time frame (had a recording booked for 8pm for the Sound System Podcast with – more chat, less music) but firing through it last night it appears, at least initially, that the transition should be relatively ok.

    In bouncing the KKM podcast to disk last night I did miss the speedy mixdown that Audition offers (a 30 minute podcast could be mixed down and saved in 2-3 minutes whereby ProTools was bouncing in real time) but if I need to factor more time into the production process then so be it.

    I’ve time booked at the weekend to explore the ins and outs of ProTools and the new Mbox, the result being Playlist Mix 20 when it’s published next Tuesday night. I’ll hold off in buying Audition 3 for the moment though I’ve got no plans to use the ProTools setup on the PC at all.

    For your listening pleasure, grab some music from Jettie, Amy B, Bows and Arrows and more all wrapped up in a neat sub 30-minute bundle.

    Playlist Mix Podcast Show #19 (Download @ 30mb)

  • Focusing On Fitness Makes It Easy To Focus

    Personal blah alert. For the last few weeks I’ve been on a healthy eating kick and it’s doing me wonders.

    Plain and simple, the focus on fitness (getting fit and getting some way healthy through some cycling, weights and kayaking), has made it easy to focus elsewhere. By that I mean I’m more alert, more energy in the afternoons, able to work quicker, juggle a few more pins. Positive eating, positive thinking, clear focus. Of course, it’s not something that I decided to do on a whim, I’ve planned for a while to do it and now that I have there’s no turning back.

    As much the recent change has allowed me to focus on my work, I’m finding more focus on hobbies – my photoblog for example has been given a new lease on life and my love of photography completely rekindled (after a dry spell), also resulting in Practical Photography reappearing through my door. Plans for other online and offline developments are taking shape

    Working for yourself and working until all hours (I also run up to 30 gigs a year and I’m directly involved in running a theatre company) both in an out of the office meant some woeful eating habits over the years but even in the few short weeks a few changes have reaped benefits.

    Nice how putting a direction on one small part of your life has an immediate (and positive) impact on other parts of your life.

    Maybe I’m just going mad…

    Or happy to know that it’s working…

  • A Helpful Bunch At Turnkey

    TurnkeyIf your first shopping experience with a new company is a good one, in my case, it’s enough to bring me back for more.

    Such was the case yesterday with Turnkey, one of the leading European music technology suppliers. With a Digidesign Mbox 2 sitting in my cart on Thomann (Germany) since Thursday, yesterday was the time to buy. A quick scout around told me I could get the Mbox 2 that I wanted for 444 Euro. Not bad I thought, and their factory bundle (with additional plugins) was shipping at 577 Euro. I figured I could go without the factory bundle and spend the extra cash as needed on the plugins for ProTools.

    So, I load up the cart, decide on the Mbox and a set of monitors, some cables I’ve been meaning to pick up and before checking out, give KKM’s sound engineer extraordinaire a ring to see if he’s any tips, having suggested one or two Focusrite units to me yesterday, pointing me in the direction of Turnkey.

    So, I check them out at Turnkey and after humming and hawing for a while, decide to proceed with the Mbox 2. A quick scout on Turnkey (based in the UK) showed a discount on the Mbox 2 factory bundle – 577 Euro down to 466 Euro.


    Don’t get me wrong, I love Thomann and over the past few years have spent more money on that site than I care to think of but I was operating on a strict budget here and the more I could squeeze out of the budget, the better. So, I price-check the monitors – cheaper again on Turnkey. In go the credit card details, I press submit, and my payment is rejected “due to insufficient authentication”.

    Rather than try and continue the payment again – just in case – I finally get to make a call from my Freetalk Office Dual Phone and get chatting to Colin at Turnkey, explaining what’s just happened online and that I would like to complete my order on the phone (knowing that all my details online are correct and my credit card is perfectly valid).

    No problem he says, I read out my Turnkey shopping cart (Mbox 2 and monitors) but the monitors are out of stock and won’t be in until February 4th at the earliest. Knowing I’m still making a saving, I agree to the upsell of the next model up, in return for free shipping (at a saving of 30 euro). He explains a number of monitors, choices, and “what’s selling” to me, the transaction is completed and I go away happy, the phone order as smooth as the online order.

    Ten minutes later I get a phone call from Turnkey saying they spotted I had a transaction declined due to a fault on their side, wanting to know if I was ok, did I want to proceed with the purchase, and explaining that they had recently changed their payment methods online (looked like a few teething problems) and apologised for the inconvenience.

    “No worries” I said, “you gave a contact number for web sales on the site, I phoned them up and was sorted out in a few minutes”.

    To the two lads at Turnkey, thanks very much, you’ve made a new customer for yourself, no doubt about that.

  • Playlist Mix 18 Lands Online

    My weekly calendar (at least in the evenings) is gradually returning to some sense of order, more to do with a new fitness kick routine I put myself in just over a week ago (which is fantastic, by the way) and as such I managed to get the 18th Playlist Mix podcast out on a Tuesday night, as preferred.

    There’s another 30 minutes of music, really varied up between downtempo, reggae, rock, metal and industrial with music coming from well known world fusion musician Christophe Goze (France), Inner Surge (Canada), Mighty Mystic (Jamaica) and more.

    You can subscribe to the podcast here, see the all new website, or listen / download below.

    Playlist Mix 18 (Download @ 29mb)

  • Irish Blog Week? It’s A Busy One

    The first week of March is being considered “Irish Blog Week”. Though unofficial by nature, the scheduling of some of the country’s biggest web and technology events for bloggers and podcasters alike have created one very busy week for the start of March.

    Kicking things off on the first of March is the third annual Irish Blog Awards. Damien Mulley is in the driving seat again on this year’s awards show to be held in the Alexander Hotel in Dublin. The Alexander was a great venue for the awards last year and whether you’re nominated for a category or not, it makes for a great social and networking occasion. Let the hair down, have a few drinks and mark a date in the calendar that recognises the quality of bloggers of all genres in the country.

    Also on the day there’s a “Ladies Tea Party” being organised by Sabrina Dent and Ina O’Murchu. This takes place in The Market Bar, about a 12 minute walk from the Alexander and is an open invite to all female bloggers in Ireland to have a gathering pre-awards show. Drop in for a few hours from 4:30pm on March 1st.

    Not only is there a tea party on the day, but Red Mum is organising a meetup for photo bloggers as well, something I might try and get along to, depending on how early I can get out of Kilkenny.

    On Sunday March 2nd you’ve got the third WebCamp event, to be held in Cork at the Kingsley Hotel. With talks in the morning and breakout sessions in the afternoon, the topic for the day is social network portability. Workshop fee is €50 for early bird registrations and €60 at regular cost. Full details can be found here.

    If you’re hanging around Dublin after the Blog Awards then you might be interested in a gourmet brunch being organised by Deborah a.k.a. The Humble Housewife. Starting from 1pm in the Ely Wine Bar on Custom House Quay, the event is for food bloggers, fans and readers of food blogs and friends. RSVP by February 1st to lay claim to a place at the brunch.

    The week continues over Monday and Tuesday as BlogTalk 2008 hits Cork, the fifth international conference on social software. Speakers include John Breslin, Gabriela Avram, Anna Rogozinska, David Cushman, Salim Ismail, Rashmi Sinha and many more.

    Forward to the end of the week (Saturday March 8th) and CreativeCamp takes place in Kilkenny. Following the success of PodCamp in Kilkenny last September, it’s nice to see another event on my home soil, and another event I’m directly involved in organising alongside Keith Bohanna and Tom Corcoran. Two of the talks on the day have been confirmed so far and registration is open. You can sign up to attend here (free) and sign up to talk here (we’d love to hear you).

    There’s also rumour of a bloggers’ dinner taking place in Kilkenny on Friday 7th, more on this as and when it is revealed.

    Track it on Jaiku or keep up with all the links above!

  • First Post To Seesmic (Embedded)

    I’m still in the office, here’s the first post I’ve placed on Seesmic after picking up my invitation code (along with many others today). Within a few minutes of posting there were direct video responses from both Cathy Brooks and Loic Le Meur (who seem to like Ireland). Nice to see the video conversation (or responses) in action first hand.

    Watching some of Deek Deekster’s videos from earlier today highlighted some issues with people spamming the timeline with random clips from YouTube, something which would certainly take from the more intimate nature of Seesmic. Outside of the spam in the timeline, there are offerings to be found from other Irish users like Brian Greene, James Corbett, Bernie Goldbach, Joe Garde, Conor O’Neill and many more.

    Not one to jump in front of a video camera without hesitation but I’ve always had an interest in video blogging, particularly something I’d like to do if I was travelling the world.

    While it’s only in pre-alpha (if you can go back that far), there is talk of a bridge between Qik and Seesmic for mobile streaming. I would like to see a search option (as would many others I imagine), along with an option to post (and tag) directly to your blog. But that’s just for starters.

  • Would You Pay For RTE’s Podcasts?

    Niamh Doohan had a small piece in yesterday’s Sunday Independant (which I actually found time to read) with the heading ‘RTE may cash in on podcast success‘. This news comes in the same breath that RTE are ditching their medium wave service, at a reasonable annual saving too to the national broadcaster (around a million euro a year).

    However, yesterday’s article suggests that

    …RTE’s own website may be outstripping traffic on Apples’s online store iTunes, the creators of podcasting. The leaked statistics from Montrose show its top 10 podcasts broke the three million mark in just nine months last year…

    While I would argue the idea of Apple being the creators of podcasting, it’s worth noting that this is only considering traffic from RTE’s website, nothing at all to with traffic from iTunes where RTE’s ‘Nob Nation’ is one of the top downloaded podcasts in the country.

    With RTE saving money in one area they’re obviously on the look out for money elsewhere. There’s been enough rows and debates over increases in TV license fees in recent times and with reported dips in TV advertising revenue in recent years as well, can we expect in 2008 to see RTE turning their podcasts into “pod-cash”? Podcast-only advertising deals? Podcast sponsors?

    Would you

    • Pay an annual fee to subscribe to RTE’s podcasts via RTE?
    • Continue to download RTE’s podcasts if the advertising in shows increased?
    • Pay-per-podcast for specific shows? Perhaps free highlights and a nominal fee for a full download?

    Personally, no. The only way I could imagine myself paying for podcasting material is if it was in an educational environment. i.e. part of an online course. I can accept people sponsoring podcasts (e.g. a sponsor’s plug at the beginning of the show / end of show or a subtle drop during the show) but I’m not overly keen on dropping full length commercial adverts into podcasts. If I wanted that sure I’d just listen to the radio…

    Do you even listen to any of RTE’s podcasts? Did you even know that RTE offer over 70 different podcasts direct from their website? There was I thinking I was ok with doing 2 (Sound System / Playlist Mix)…

    Or will we see the TV license system in Ireland revamped to a ‘Media License’ and see podcasting bundled in? New taxes on iPods and Zunes? Who knows…

  • 228, 332, 440 – Anyone Else Getting This?

    I mentioned earlier in the week that I’d seen my RSS subscriber figures for shoot a little abnormally on from Tuesday (228) into Wednesday (332).

    But now, looking at the FeedBurner chicklet this morning they’ve risen again to 440? That’s almost double the amount of subscribers in 3 days. Is anyone else experiencing strange shifts in their subscriber numbers?

    It just seems a little odd given that I was extremely quiet during December and into January (between work, Christmas, holidays etc.). Or can I still blame Jaiku for this spike? Am I even looking in the right direction?

    By the way, if you would like to subscribe to then please feel free to do so by adding to your preferred feed reader. That also reminds me to add a bucket of feeds to Net News Wire (on the mac). If it works the way Vienna does then I’ll have a nice few blog posts to read over the weekend (off to Sligo later for a river run and a gig).

  • Casting My Vote

    Having been away all over Christmas, then scooting off to Germany last week I’d almost forgotten to cast my votes for the 3rd annual Irish Blog Awards – almost.

    Sure who could forget to do that?

    2007 was another great year for Irish blogging, although some of my regular reads dropped off or finished writing, there was plenty on offer in the world of technology, sport, music, business, the arts and so much more – all from Irish bloggers.

    I’m currently in the process of filling out my nomination form, if you haven’t done so yet then get yourself along to and cast your vote. You’ve got until 9pm Friday.

    In a change to proceedings this year there will be no public vote, the nominees instead being judged on quality amongst other traits. Damien is asking nicely for judges for the blog awards, something I would do if I honestly felt I could commit more time in the week but I’ll have to pass on this twist with everything else going on. If you would like to volunteer your services as a judge then drop by for the low-down.

    Of course, if you fancy nominating any of my own blogs (,, to name four out of a dozen or so) then be my guest. I was at the blog awards last year where I got to put so many faces to names for the first time. If you’re not nominated, or not voting, it’s still a great night out with a terrific bunch of people.

    Do I owe Paul a pint? I owe somebody a pint!

  • Jaiku Robins And RSS

    Jaiku Robin

    Just as the going was good with Jaiku back to it’s speedy self, the robin appears this afternoon.

    I get curious every time I see the little Juhu figure at the top of my screen go from green to red, usually an indication that something is wrong somewhere, this time it’s a corrupt main database – sounds serious enough wouldn’t you think?

    One question I thought I’d ask though, with Jaiku coming back on stream yesterday, did anyone notice a spike in their RSS subscriber numbers via FeedBurner? Looking at my own, they had jumped from 220-odd Tuesday to 330-odd Wednesday, something I’m guessing has to do with Jaiku re-activating feed fetching?

    Anyone have a few porridge oats for the Robin?

  • No, I Can’t Sleep In Chairs

    So I’m back from Germany.

    Sitting in my office, 24 hours later than anticipated.

    Having arrived back in Kilkenny 16 hours later than anticipated.

    I now have it confirmed as a fact that I cannot sleep on chairs. That, or Ryanair designed Frankfurt Hahn airport so it is impossible to get any kind of decent sleep.

    Having had a most fantastic weekend away in Bad Soden-Salmunster, namely here for two gigs, myself and my brother arrived in Hahn on Sunday evening all set to go home. It was a bit foggy out, no big deal I thought. We disappeared into the terminal, pretzels in hand and in search of some coffee before checking in. No more than five minutes in the terminal and a flight to Oslo or Stockholm had been cancelled.

    A quick look outside the door and the fog seemed an awful lot thicker than before. But, the other half of the group (who were travelling from Frankfurt Main) had departed no problem, though I guess the bigger airports handle fog an awful lot better than Hahn. No sight or sound of a delay, no warnings from the ticket desk or check in desk, so we advanced through to “the other side”, strolled around the duty free, drank more coffee and walked to Gate 7 around 9:30pm Sunday, boarding due at 9:40pm.

    9:50pm. 10:00pm. An announcement that a flight to Milan or somewhere else has been cancelled, delays going up on the board but Dublin is still good to go. Flight time comes, 10:10pm, 40 minute delay posted on the board. No problem I thought, just means we’re arriving back in Dublin around midnight.

    We never reach the end of the 40 minute delay, an announcement was made – that all the German-speaking passengers understood – that Dublin was cancelled and we could fly out the same time tomorrow night. Bloody great. They were now also diverting planes away from Hahn to Koln, but Frankfurt Main was still in the clear.

    This was certainly where the MaxRoam sim card came in handy, phone calls back to the family, phone calls back to the office, phone calls in search of flights from both Hahn and Main (no chance of me sticking around another 24 hours to risk the exact same thing happening again). We joined the hour-long queue at the Ryanair ticket desk, a phone call to John informing me that we wouldn’t have to wait until tomorrow (Monday) night, but we could get out of there at 10am for €150 or so, the same story from Frankfurt Main with Aer Lingus if we were so tempted.

    People around us were making phone calls, arranging collections, hotels in nearby towns. When the queue went past the main entrance to the terminal you could see the hoards of people trying to get a room in the B&B Hotel across the road. Crowded lobby, queue around the corner – “I guess we’re slumming in the airport so” I’d said to my brother.

    They were giving out notices on what to do when your flight is cancelled, what you can expect – accommodation, meals, compensation etc. except when the airline can prove that something exceptional, such as the weather, comes into play.

    So we arrive at the ticket window, secure seats on the Monday morning Dublin flight and look to kill 10 hours or so. Some cokes, shite coffee, a bag of onion rings keep us going for an hour all while walking around aimlessly. We discover a ‘casino’ upstairs where it turns out we’re not too bad at the video poker machines, my brother taking 200 euro in a few minutes (having deposited maybe a fiver in change). That certainly lightens the mood. About 1:30am or so we look to settle down, any half decent open space in the airport taken or coated with some crazy dust that was turning our bags and jackets an odd sandy colour.

    We instead opt for the restaurant upstairs thinking the chairs look big enough. For about five minutes sleep. Five minutes here, ten minutes there, slump across the table for ten minutes, back to the chair for ten minutes and so the pattern continues until 5am when we’re all hunted out by the lady opening up, who in turn also sells shite coffee. For all the effort I would have been better off staying awake for the night with the pain in my neck and shoulders yesterday.

    American pancakes and bacon at 5:30am and eventually we arrive back in Dublin ten minutes early. I was convinced the pilot was putting the foot down all the way in on the landing, no sense of slowing down at all, hitting the runway with a slap before jamming on the brakes. Rough night, rough landing, last time we’ll be flying to Frankfurt Hahn for anything.

    Getting through the airport in Dublin was grand, no checked in luggage, straight to the car park to grab the van, only to park on the M50 almost as soon as we hit it.

    Of course, there were some good points about Germany…

    • The two gigs were awesome. We played some Seger Sessions stuff on the Saturday night to bring down the house. Some sketchy songs though on the Saturday night before all that…
    • The staff at the pub / hotel and everyone in the group were legends.
    • Got to day-trip to Heidelberg which looks better in real-life than it does in photos.
    • The pub served pizza until 2am and Jagermeister was only 1.50 a shot. We reckon Jager and Red Bull (or big pump) will end up on the menu as collectively we must have consumed about 4,000 of them, give or take.

    But, bed beckons at 3pm and all is temporarily forgotten.

    Until the phone calls start when I switch my mobile on in the bed at 7pm and I’m reminded that I’m back in the real world…