

Gadgets For Christmas with KCLR

Two or three years ago I was doing a regular stint in the afternoon on KCLR 96FM talking gadgets and technology. That time has long since gone but this morning I was asked back into studio (handy, given it’s only across the road) for some thoughts on gadgets for Christmas, tech suggestions for kids and…

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Talking Gadgets On The Radio

I’m starting a tech / gadget / home entertainment slot on KCLR this week that will go out on Wednesday’s, every two weeks, as part of The Afternoon Show. As far as I know the slot will be more “drive time”, airing at some point between 5pm and 6pm but I’ll have all the details…

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An Xbox 360 Pour Moi

Decided to treat myself today with the last big expense of the year and the last big expense in quite a while, picking up an Xbox 360 complete with wireless controller, hard drive, headset and a copy of Pro Evo 6. Gamestop had a handy offer on, if you traded in an original xbox and…

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iPod Accessories For Ken

So you get yourself an iPod and you have to get yourself a few gadgets to go along with it… So first thing I did was buy a Peugot Partner van so I could put the iPod into it while on the road. Well, it was likely the case that the van came the week…

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