12 Reasons To Use RSS For Marketing

Picked this up over at DevShed (good resource for us developers…. sure was the last few years anyway!). This is a summary based on the full article which can be found here but it provides twelve solid reasons to use RSS marketing, showing how it increases your boundaries – or removes them completely.

I’m not one for passing out marketing advice, would normally leave that up to Aidan, or through the Event Blog, but with particular interest to me, it should be to you as well!

  1. Get your content delivered without fail to all of your subscribers
  2. Increase your web traffic and your online visibility.
  3. RSS enables you to easily get your content published on dozens and dozens of other sites.
  4. It will serve as a platform for ad sales
  5. It will provide advertising opportunities to promote your own business
  6. It will help you get more content for your site without you having to write a single word
  7. People want to receive content in a controlled environment where they are in-charge, not the publisher
  8. Delivering content using e-mail is becoming increasingly difficult, due to blacklists, spam filters and over excessive amounts of e-mail in your recipients’ mailboxes
  9. RSS allows you to deliver content beyond your e-zine, giving you more content delivery opportunities
  10. RSS is a natural tool for content syndication, which means easily and instantly delivering your content to hundreds of other content sources, thus creating additional exposure.
  11. When using RSS to deliver all of your web site content updates, RSS will actually increase your web site traffic, thus giving your promotional messages more exposure.
  12. People are afraid of subscribing to e-mail lists, which makes getting new subscribers difficult; RSS is a whole different story.

Again, check the full article over at DevShed.

Like a puppy is not just for Christmas, RSS isn’t just for your blog folks…


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