Blogging the NFL

I mentioned earlier in the week that I had launched, a blog catering for the NFL (or at least people with an interest in the NFL, American Football). Interesting statistic that 48.5% of the visitors in its first week (launched on December 31st) were from the US, the remainder made up of Canadian, Irish and UK, technorati providing some good assistance in driving folks into the site.

It’s as much a test for myself and blogging combined as it is a chance for me to rattle on about the NFL seen as nobody around here is interested, hmmm?


4 responses to “Blogging the NFL”

  1. Sean Avatar

    no im not really intrested in it! but i like the design of the blog! Thumbs up Ken!

  2. Ken Avatar

    🙂 cheers dude. thats the one thing about the NFL, the figures for an irish viewing audience would be extremely restricted so it gives me a chance to develop personal content for a more targeted audience, just nice to see how things work across the sea. the fact that majority of visitors to the blog are american shows me one thing, in comparison to those who visit my personal blog (

  3. Kentar Avatar

    Its not that I’m not interested! cos NFL is cool; just never had time to really get into it & I’m back in college now so its nose to the proverbial grindstone; my presence on the net is about to return to 24/7 now 😛

  4. Ken Avatar

    good man yourself, gotta love that college internet! WIT got a great going over in its day in between lectures, or missed lectures, or holidays, or days off…. 🙂

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