Tablane no longer Beta?

Ok, so the news might be a week old but in reading ZDNet today I just got wind that Tablane is no longer in beta and they’ve got a fully. Emmet Connolly reviewed the Irish browser which is based on IE back in November for Web 2.0 Ireland and a few people I know have tested it, so testing some content for the CMS today I was disappointed to find that the browser just wouldn’t cooperate. Opening up my DeviantART homepage right away I was confronted with browser errors, I just don’t like seeing errors, one of the joys of using Firefox so far… 🙂 Of course that’s small money in comparison to what it’s being touted to do.

I’m not slating the browser right away at all, just thought the error was weird and I’ll give it a good bash on home turf (out of the office) now that its out of beta release. I just hope that for this to succeed that it doesn’t have to rely forever on Internet Explorer. I am interested in the concept of tailoring the browser for user specific audiences, such as an eBay browser or an Amazon browser. Some nice features touted to me on first look but I’ll let you know what I think when it gets going.


4 responses to “Tablane no longer Beta?”

  1. Julian Ellison Avatar

    Hmmm. I’m trying to replicate your errors, but not managing to do so. Can you be more specific?

  2. Ken Avatar

    Hey Julian…

    was just when I popped open my homepage at . Runtime error, line 868, Error: Object Required (do you wish to debug). Crashed when I went to Debug.

    First impressions graphically are nice, the search bar feature is quite nice to the bottom, once I get into it and play around I’ll do a comparison post.

  3. Julian Ellison Avatar

    We’ve identified the problem, if not the solution.

    As you know, Tablane is built over the IE engine and some other MS libraries. When we run the page through IE7.0 we can use the Debug function to reveal this exception:

    “function getFirstChild(node)


    node = node.firstChild;

    if (node.nodeValue == null) [this line has a null pointer, because of the exception]

    return node;

    return getNextSibling(node);


    You can see the same yourself in IE 7.0s Internet Options/Advanced setting, if you Deselect Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer) and Disable Script Debugging (Other).

    When you load the page, an Error message will pop up, and then if you select Debug the above will be displayed.

    So, at the risk of blame shifting, it’s one for our friends in Microsoft to help address 🙂 If we find out more about the cause we’ll let you know.

  4. Ken Avatar

    Must grab myself a copy of IE7.0 for testing so…

    At least if Microsoft are made aware of it its one thing. Cheers for looking into it though further for me, if you do hear anything else back on the issue I’d be intrested in hearing more 😀

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