October 24th I made a post highlighting a phone I was looking at in time for Christmas but never bothered… until today. My P900 which has served me so faithfully for the past 15 months just isn’t cutting it any more, mainly with web and email access that I couldn’t really utilise unless going through a web mail front with expensive GPRS charges 😉
Anywhoo, I’ve decided to splash out and pick up the HP HW6515 Mobile Messenger (running Windows Mobile 2003) to replace the P900 through Komplett, if all was well in the world I’d have it Friday but I’m a patient guy. Being able to pick up WiFi access will be a major plus, but does anyone know if there’s Irish maps available for TomTom or MS Streets?
I’m sure I’ll blog it once I get it…
If anyone had ever considered the phone, the price tag on Komplett is very competitive for the sim free option, almost 70 euro cheaper than Expansys and about the same if you were looking at a secondhand / refursbished model on eBay….
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