Adsense-heavy Theme for WordPress

WordPress users can bask in the new adsense optimised theme, Ads Minded, which utilises what the author has dubbed ‘QuickSense’, providing a high CTR AdSense layout, support for various styles and shapes of AdSense ad units including link units, banners, skyscrapers via a three-column layout, with an optional square ad position which can be switch on and off. Coupled with several handy plugins, for those of you interested in blogging for money, this could be something to look at….

Or at least something for me to get my hands on and improve the looks of… 😉


4 responses to “Adsense-heavy Theme for WordPress”

  1. Bryan Avatar


    Thanks for featuring the theme.

    It’s my first WordPress theme and I’m sure it’s not the best theme out there. I’m not a wed designer and I’m still learning, so I really hope someone can help me to further improve the layout.

    By the way. you have a very nice theme over here. 🙂

  2. Ken Avatar

    Cheers Bryan, my own style on the K2 theme. I’d been looking around for a new theme style for another blog I’m launching that would need significant advertising support so I may well give yours a try! If I do, I’ll be sure to let you know what I come up with!


  3. Bryan Avatar


    It would be my pleasure if my theme is been used.


  4. […] Ken mentioned a new adsense optimised theme for WordPress – Ads Minded […]

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