Bebo Will Increase Broadband Uptake

Reading a post from Piaras Kelly this morning on twelve observations on Irish society, it was point number 9 that clicked big with me…

9. Bebo is the most popular website in Ireland – The most important thing about Bebo is that it will ultimately drive a higher adoption of broadband in Ireland.

He’s absolutely right.

There’s a cousin of mine (one of a few) who regularly drops in during the week after school instead of going home to her own house. Straight up the stairs she goes to the study, unhooks my computer from the network in the other room, and parks herself in front of Bebo for an hour or two.

“Ugh…. you can’t Bebo on dialup”

“We’ll have to get broadband…. I can talk to people all night”

And so the story continues. Fair play, I also make use of Bebo, strictly with people I know of course, majority of people I’m in contact with I’ve actually had or currently have some social involvement with. I received a few messages via their service from people on my “Friends List” telling me that they in need of help setting up broadband, so they can spend even more time on Bebo.

Parents will give in. Save a few pennies, keep the kids occupied for the night talking with all their school friends they’ve only seen a few hours ago, drawing crazy pictures on the ‘whiteboard’ and more.

The government and Eircom/Digiweb/Smart/Metro/Chorus/etc. must be looking at Bebo as a blessing in disguise. Teenagers whining for broadband to get their Bebo fix will get this country up that European Broadband League….


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