NBA 2.0 : Hats Off To Mark Cuban

I’m a big fan of american sports. Of course, by that I just mean American Football, so its rare that basketball would take my interest, but when you consider a team owner taking time out during a game to throw a few entries onto his personal blog to let the world know what he’s thinking during the game and warmups, you have to take interest!

Mark Cuban is the team owner of the Dallas Mavericks, and on the night when his team played in the NBA Finals for the very first time, he took a step in firing some interesting entries onto his blog ranging from his ‘vitamin rush’, to walking the floor of the finals, a call to make the blogosphere part of NBA 2.0, thoughts at half time and full time.

You think you’d see Steve Staunton nicking off at half time during the Euro 2008 qualifiers to let us know whats going on behind the scenes?

Mark Cuban, fair play for taking the initiative.


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