Out of interest, has anyone tried the PubSub extension for Firefox? I installed it in the office on Thursday evening, shut down the machine, booted up on Friday and you think Firefox would work? No chance!
Several restarts, try safe mode, try reinstalling Firefox up to the latest version – still no go. Solution? Trawl through the Application Data\Mozilla\Default\Extension\Blah Blah Blah depths of the unknown when it comes to Mozilla’s folder naming structure, root out the plugin folder (sorting by date helps here to match up when you messed up) and removing that dodgy extension.
“If you have experienced problems with the sidebar after upgrading to Firefox 1.5, please download the latest version from the link above.”
It LOOKS like it works well with Firefox but after the effort I went through to get the browser back up and running I think I’ll pass… Pity too…
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