Working In Three Columns

So some people are for it, some people are against it, I’ve come to quite like it to be fair. Think it was June Bank Holiday Weekend that I applied the previous theme, having wanted to go on and use a 3 column theme for at that stage. And now, I have.

I’ve been using a three column layout at since the blog launched not much over two weeks ago and have become quite accustomed to it. The expansion of the design, CSS layout all provide that extra bit of breathing room.

I’ve also decided to revisit the delivery of content on the blog. World Cup Access (presently dormant) and Liverpool Access have helped me develop my writing style over the past two months, something I feel should be brought out here, without restricting myself to looking at the facts of various technical matters.

Not to say that the blog is going to go mental or anything, just a little more freedom of speech and thoughts around various issues relating to posts made on the blog. I mean, thats what blogging is about right? Freedom of speech, freedom of your own control?

At present, Feedburner is telling me I’ve got 13 feeds burned. Thats from 13 different blogs too I might add as the little blogging empire builds up. But this is, and will remain my primary blog and should get the attention I feel it should get.

Just a little rant for myself while I work out the kinks on the lunch break over the new theme. Now, where the hell is my double espresso!


3 responses to “Working In Three Columns”

  1. keith bohanna Avatar

    Expresso – what expresso? Unless you have been hiding a MAchine on me during my visits?!


  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    What? What now? Oh THAT machine, the one we hide when you arrive into the office and replace with a bottle of cold water?

    Nah… ducked across the road to fresco where the coffee isn’t too bad. Discovered the espresso button on Monday 🙂

  3. Pavlos Avatar

    You went ahead and did it again! Awesome new layout Ken! I’m impressed, it’s hard to ever be bored around here.

    As far as coffee is concerned, have you ever tried Espresso Freddo? Or is it just another one of those coffees only found in Greece… (?)

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