Yahoo Hackday Next Weekend

Visit the Yahoo Hack Day website and you’ll be a little thrown by the following message….

Sbe gur yngrfg arjf nobhg Lnubb! Bcra Unpx Qnl, ernq gur Unpx Qnl oybt! Yvaxf: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N O P Q R S Jr’ir bcrarq hc Lnubb! sebz gur vafvqr bhg jvgu bhe jbeyq-erabjarq Unpx Qnl, naq sebz gur bhgfvqr va guebhtu gur Lnubb! Qrirybcre Argjbex. Abj jr’er bcravat hc Lnubb! vgfrys gb n fryrpg tebhc bs unpxref naq fcrpvny thrfgf sbe n jrrxraq srfgviny bs unpxvat, pnzcvat (lrf, gur gragf-va-gur-bhgqbbef xvaq–jr unir ernyyl, ernyyl avpr tenff!), zhfvp, naq tbbq gvzrf.Jr’yy xvpx guvatf bss ba Sevqnl, Frcgrzore 29gu jvgu n serr nyy-qnl qrirybcre jbexfubc (qrgnvyf).

Mouse over it though and everything is ok… Clever touch.

The weekend comprises of a series of workshops and speeches, while the night time is given over to “hacking” teams, developers coming together to work out on the lawn at Yahoo or huddled inside the main building. Coders and developers will have their chance to demo their projects on Saturday evening.

Among those giving talks and/or workshops:

  • Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP;
  • Douglas Crockford, inventor of JSON;
  • Andy Baio and Gordon Luk, co-founders of;
  • Cal Henderson, Engineering manager for Flickr;
  • Matt Sweeney, author of the YUI Library’s Animation Utility and Dom Collection;
  • Keynote by Bradley Horowitz, head of product strategy for Yahoo!;

Sounds very interesting indeed….


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