All the talk of Bar Camps and Mini-bars of late got me reading into whats going on around the Barcamp scene at the moment, which is where I found Podcamp West, Barcamp for podcasters (or in this case aimed more specifically towards bloggers, podcasters and video bloggers).
One site in particular, Silicon Valley Watcher (where Tom Foremski writes) had on good piece of advice after Tom dropped into the Podcamp West in San Francisco – “Just Do It”.
Just do it. Don’t worry too much about the quality, just get it out there. A podcast can be any length, whatever is comfortable to you. Don’t let the technology get in the way, just get it done. Don’t worry about how many listeners you have. Find something you are passionate about. Don’t feud with other Podcasters. Keep doing it.
He’s absolutely right too. I hummed and drummed about podcasting for ages but finally decided to get the ball rolling back at the beginning of October for (well, about the second week in anyway). Since then there have been three podcasts, with the fourth being recorded tonight night in the studio (look at us with our swanky gear 🙂 ) and we should have Sound System #5 and #6 on the web before Christmas. Not only that but we’ve also arranged a schedule for around 40 podcasts for 2007 (nothing like a little forward planning).
It doesn’t take a whole lot to do – grab some free recording software, grab yourself a mic and get a plan together. We’re quickly developing our structure for the podcast and each time we record it becomes more and more relaxed and more natural to the point that after three podcasts we actually look forward to recording the next one and the one after that etc.
You can’t discover where and when to find your feet until you actually start doing it – so just do it. If you think that podcasting will some way benefit those using your site or service and get started. All you need is the time and a little patience to put things together.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that ALL the talks for Bar Camp South East should be recorded for podcast… whaddya think?
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