Canada: Its only Tuesday

Its only Tuesday and the week is going great, which means of course that once tomorrow breaks we’ll be heading into the business end of things but have to say I’m still in awe of the place.

Monday I didn’t even get near the science centre choosing instead to wander up Queen and into the Eaton Centre, a huge (and I mean huge as in it would take you a WEEK to walk around it) shopping mall. So huge was the case that we entered on the second level, made a bee-line for the Apple store and ended up spending an hour in the place where I fell in love with a Mac Book Pro, played around with it for 20 minutes and spent the rest of the time just browsing and testing, browsing and testing. Left the Apple store and checked into Indigo, another HUGE store (this time going for books, cds and more Starbucks) which clocked us up another two hours. Honest to God you’d need the week to get around, whether we head back before the week is out remains to be seen.

Today however it was on to the Ontario Science Centre to check out their exhibits which pretty much took up the whole afternoon. The phone is slowly clocking up some photos but I’ve yet to get a way to take them off the camera and onto the web.

Tomorrow I’m gonna check out the One Of A Kind Show and maybe drop in to the Hockey Hall Of Fame, see how the day goes.

There’s always that Mac Book Pro tho…. 😀


4 responses to “Canada: Its only Tuesday”

  1. Peter Knight > EdenWeb Avatar
    Peter Knight > EdenWeb

    If you get a chance, try make it to the Tango Palace Cafe. I think it’s near Queen and Dundas. Go late at night…the atmosphere is huge for such a tiny out of the way place. Or at least it was about 10 years ago. Might be a starbucks now :O)

  2. John Avatar

    So Mac Pro’s all ’round when you get back then yeah?

  3. James Corbett Avatar

    Sounds great Ken… I hope I can make a similar trip myself in the next few years…. always wanted to see Canada

  4. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Peter – If I run into it I’ll let you know, can’t help but drink coffee over here!

    James – you’ll have to. I’ve already promised myself a return trip. If its a touristy trip you’re after, a week just isn’t enough to be honest with you. Nice to be able to unwind though and take things as they come!

    And dude, if I end up with a Mac Pro coming home it’ll be some laugh…. but Jesus that Apple store was tempting!

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