10 Things: The Ten Blogs That I Keep (or try to)

Some of you know and regularly read this blog (kenmc.com / Creative Imagination) but did you know about the full family?

  1. KENMC.COM – Ken McGuire, on the web. My primary blog, no doubt about that. Looks at technology and the web along with little asides that catch my eye.
  2. LiverpoolAccess.com – Follows Liverpool football club, my own match reviews throughout the season, club news, transfer updates and the likes. Stemmed out of World Cup Access which is no longer updated.
  3. Mobileblogr – Started late in the year as a way of me keeping track of mobile developments, something I’ve held an interest in since college and wish, looking back, that we could have spent a little more time looking at developing for a mobile environment.
  4. Ken McGuire Photography – This one will definitely be getting attention and an update over the Christmas, its been a good six weeks since I’ve uploaded some work to it. The photoblog was restarted when I gave up on DeviantART earlier this year and continues to house my most recent work.
  5. One Take Sessions – Video clips, mentions of bands and a way to keep track of whats going on at the One Take Sessions, held every third Thursday in Kilkenny with KilkennyMusic.com
  6. Sound System – Blog for the Sound System Podcast, show guides, links to bands mentioned and covered, downloads for each podcast (also available on iTunes).
  7. Battle Of The Bands – Coverage of the 2006 Battle Of The Bands as well as coverage on the development of the 2007 event.
  8. The Medium Site – Blog kept for the band, not updated too frequently but its there all the same (last updated mid December)
  9. The KilkennyMusic.com Blog – Currently available as a member only feature but going public in January, I’ve just added some extra writers so I’m expecting a major push on the blog side of KilkennyMusic.com for 2007, you can already put aside that 2008 Best Music Blog award for me Damien 🙂
  10. Event Ireland Blog – I’m currently working on the theme, it will be sorted out, with the content back live, at the end of the holidays.


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