An alternative nod for best designed blog eh? Nice to see in the afternoon 🙂 Thanks to Paul for that, and go check out the post in full for some interesting alternative nominations for the 2007 blog awards.
Whatever about nominations I think its just nice when someone mentions your work or you do a little something to get noticed. Paul is right though, I don’t do much at all in the line of freelance WordPress work though, but over the last year I’ve managed to amass 12-13 themes that I would be happy to use across my blogs and have used in the past – all of which I do intend to release in the near future. My latest will be a new look for yet I don’t expect to have it completed for another few weeks given most of my WordPress work is done between 1 and 4am on those sleepless nights or if I get a crazy brainwave on a Sunday morning. Alas, sleep in January gets a bit of a priority given there’s a lot happening in the real world!
If you’re looking to make one (either for myself or anyone else) then get clicking over to the nomination form. You’ve got until just before midnight on January 26th to get your nominations in before the shortlist is announced.
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