A Steady Increase In Subscribers

A challenge to increase your number of blog subscribers via FeedBurner in the hope of getting a free pint in Dublin in March has brought me to spend a while trawling through FeedBurner and really looking at the stats that they provide. The one thing I was happy to see was the overall continual increase in subscribers to this blog – my thanks to those of you who read it and pass comment now and again – as detailed in the chart below. There’s actually a lot you can garner from FeedBurner – daily, weekly, monthly, annual stats, average subscribers, most popular article via RSS, where the clicks are going, where the clicks are coming from etc. Here’s a gander at the increase…

105 Subscribers Via FeedBurner

The subscriber milestone challenge has now brought in Conor O’Neill, Robin Blandford, James Corbett, Aidan Finn and Tom Raftery. With round one out of the way thanks to a stealth bomb attack (actually I’ve no idea what brought about an increase in readership) by myself, round two seems to be open and its looking at the biggest percentage increase in subscribers to your feed (via FeedBurner) between now and the Blog Awards.

Paul is going for a yet-to-be-unveiled secret weapon and if you’re up for it (winner gets a pint at the awards) it could be a laugh. Nice way to increase blogger interaction and inject a little fun into the day.

I mean, its not the winning that counts….. 😉

Update…. How could I forget about Paul!


5 responses to “A Steady Increase In Subscribers”

  1. Paul Browne Avatar

    Good move, not including me on the list 🙂 Surely now that you’re a ‘Y-List’ blogger (more than 100 subs) you can’t be worried about the challenge from the rest of us ?!

    For anybody else reading this the original blog is here. If you’re reading this and not yet subsribed to my blog, the please do so. It will annoy Ken greatly that he’s giving away referrals 😉


  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    You mean I’ve got a letter I can use? No longer let it be “Ken McGuire BScH” but instead its “Ken McGuire – Y”.

    Maybe Yahoo! would sponsor me…. great marketing opportunities for them 🙂 I’ll even wear the tshirts at gigs!

    I slipped in a little link there. Now, where did I throw that rel=nofollow….. kidding 🙂

  3. Tom Raftery Avatar

    Nice increase in subscribers there Ken, well done.

  4. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Thanks Tom 🙂

  5. Some lighthearted fun

    Paul, Ken and a few others including myself have agreed to a bit of a challenge in the run up to the Irish Blog Awards. Basically whoever gets the largest percentage increase in RSS subscribers via Feedburner between now and then will do well on the dr…

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