A New Project To Fill A Void

Another post for Irish bloggers – this time I’m wondering are there any Irish bloggers (regular bloggers, possibly amongst those I read regularly) who are actively involved in an Irish theatre company, be it amateur, semi-professional or professional. Are you a hobby actor, a member of AIMS or any other society, do you get on the stage or are you involved in any technical aspect (sound, lighting, producing etc.)?

TheatreCompany.ieYour question – Why do I ask?

Well, some people know (and some people don’t know) of my involvement in running The Devious Theatre Company in Kilkenny, a closeknit group of actors who have been involved in many productions over the past ten years or so together in some shape or form. We established TDTC in May last year to fill a void in the theatre scene in Kilkenny and recently, one of our founding members has taken a professional contract with Barnstorm Theatre (while we’re on preproduction for two shows this summer).

We got off on the right foot. Started small – tight cast of ten, internally written, produced and directed debut show (sold out all performances), rights managed at an early stage etc. So we’re filling a void.

I’ve been involved in the local arts scene on and off over the years and threw myself into it in a big way with KKM in 2005. The site and services we provide seem to be doing an awful lot for local music, continuing to fill a huge void in the Kilkenny music scene, in a city that was a haven for music in the early 90s. It works fantastic at a local level and because the demand is there and we’ve started putting plans in place to venture more outside of Kilkenny.

I ask my initial question as I’m intent on filling another void, this time starting on a national level as opposed to a local level. Thats how these things work isn’t it? See a gap, realise the demand, fill the gap. TheatreCompany.ie is my new project which is going to fill a gaping hole in the Irish theatre industry – or at least thats my plan for it. I’ve let the idea roll around my head now for the bones of ten months and I think its time to sink or swim with it.

Running a theatre company and having been involved with 3-4 more over the years I know the difficulty often faced in sourcing contacts, actors, resources, props, venues – networking with groups in general to build your theatrical connections in these areas.

So – my answer is TheatreCompany.ie which will launch (by my reckoning) over the next 3 months. Thats the timeframe I’m giving myself. As for the feature list, well, thats on the way (the back of an envelope makes for one HELL of a planning area!). I put KKM together in a week of late nights and thats going better than I could have imagined at the time – hopefully this will have the same result. I’ll be tracking the development of it, somewhere (either here or on TC.ie). Again, I’m making the exact same start – an idea, a few late nights and zero finance.

I asked for bloggers as I figure the possibilty exists that if you’re reading this on an RSS feed that you’re a blogger yourself 🙂 If I’m mistaken, forgive me (but you should also look into blogging!).

Of course, if I lost you in ALL of that, here’s the question again – are you a blogger involved in Irish theatre?


11 responses to “A New Project To Fill A Void”

  1. Phil Avatar

    A man of many talents. Where do you find the time!

    In answer to your question. Nope.

  2. Conor O'Neill Avatar

    Ken, one person to talk to is Will Knott who has been involved in the Cork Theatre scene for a long time. Blog over at cork-host

  3. Pat Pelan Avatar

    Well done Ken
    Think I had better start splitting my Red Bull order with you.

  4. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Phil – Hazy late nights (optician says I’m grand though)

    Conor – Cheers for the tip! Will have a gander this evening, might drop him an email.

    Pat – Sounds good but I’ve taken to the Coke Zero instead of the Red Bull. Worked in a hotel for six months when I started college. Weekends were often spent manning the late bar into the wee hours, every single night without fail I’d tip an unholy amount of Red Bull down the sink (usually with 4 vodkas in each glass of it), if I smell Red Bull any more I don’t think I’d ever get any project off the ground 🙂

  5. Paul Walsh Avatar

    Nope. But my sister is a creative (ahem, brilliant at that). She’s a mature student studying for an art degree, now in her second year. She’s been told that she has far surpassed second year. She likes to write and has a keen interest in movie making (set production I think) of some kind and writing. Basically she’s pretty very focused but needs a little direction. What would you suggest?

    She lives in Wexford. Perhaps I should post some examples of her work on my blog – something I’ve been meaning to do anyway as I think the digital industry needs more of the real creative people who start with a pencil and piece of paper (not Photoshop!).

    I Chair BIMA – trade association in the UK representing the Creative folk in the digital industry. So, I myself am not creative, but I can recognise talent when I see it. She’s talented 

  6. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Excellent. If she’s into movie making and living in Wexford maybe she could give Young Irish Film Makers a shout, very friendly bunch and full of information. I sit on the board there and am a past member of the organisation myself. Deals mainly with youth film but the people there are fantastic and always worth talking to!

  7. Paul Walsh Avatar

    Cheers Ken, I’ll do that.

  8. Ken McGuire Avatar

    No probs.

    Mike Kelly is the man to look for…

  9. […] – This latest project from Ken McGuire takes the form of a networking site for Irish theatre companies. Sounds like a good idea, and […]

  10. Will Avatar

    Hi Ken,

    Opening night is tonight for “Birds, They Still Fly” Part of the One Act Play contest run by the Cork Arts Theatre.

    So yes I blog and do dramatic type stuff…

  11. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Good stuff Will – meant to drop you a mail as well, picked up your address from Conor. Very best of luck with the opening of the show to night, break a leg and all that craic!

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