Damien Rice Online – As You’ve Never Seen Him

Put together by a great friend of mine, Paddy Dunne, and given that I haven’t blogged it before (as much as I remember) and as much as it might be controversial – of sorts – I think this a fantastic video, put together with scanned sketches, a large series of PNGs and put through the mill in Flash before winding up on YouTube.

Video originally appeared on YouTube just in time for the release of Damien Rice’s latest album, 9.


4 responses to “Damien Rice Online – As You’ve Never Seen Him”

  1. Phil Avatar

    C’mon Ken – thats just WRONG!

    Got me in the mood to listen to his new album again though.(any publicity is good publicity as they say).

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    May your wish be granted…

  3. John Avatar

    Thought you had blogged this before. Paddy is destined for great things man. Vintage Paddy boy!!!1!! Genius.

  4. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Hmmmmm, couldn’t see it anywhere on this one. Might have thrown it up in the forums on KilkennyMusic.com before but don’t think I’ve blogged it. If I have I must going blind… That or I need to sort out the archives and search around here! 😀

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