Free Stuff: Cannibal Poster Giveaway

In the aftermath of Cannibal I’ve some stuff to giveaway and I’d rather give it away to people than see it gather dust in my office. While I’ve reserved some large poster prints for cast and crew I’ve got five tasty A2 (420 x 594 mm) poster prints of the actual showposter used for Cannibal. These haven’t even used in public so they’re straight out of the couriers box. High quality print, glossy finish, show dates on poster (see above)…

First five people to comment back here can have a poster mailed out to them (within the Republic of Ireland). I’ll bung in a copy of the theatre programme from the week as well. Comment back with your email and I’ll contact you for a postal address.


18 responses to “Free Stuff: Cannibal Poster Giveaway”

  1. Ian Avatar

    Sweet! Can I have one please?
    Thank you!

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    You can of course! Email me with your postal address and I’ll arrange to send one out to you!

    1 down, 4 to go.

  3. Ian Avatar

    Free theatre programme too 😀
    Any chance of a severed limb too? haha.
    Very speedy reply by the way!

  4. keith bohanna Avatar

    You know where I am 🙂


    ….i love free stuff – what exactly was it that he is giving away?…no’s free

  5. Ken McGuire Avatar

    I do indeed Keith, have one here for you. Nice stuff left over, A2 posters, some programmes, A5 photo/postcard leaflets. 2 down, 3 to go.

  6. Paudie Mullally Avatar
    Paudie Mullally

    can i have a poster + programme plz!!

  7. Paudie Mullally Avatar
    Paudie Mullally

    I’m on de fone 2 ian @ mo.
    R de A5 postcards/photos availible 2 both ov us??

  8. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Yes you can have one – email me with your address details via here

    Whatever I can find I’ll post…

    3 down 2 to go.

  9. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Of course my horse, I’ve stuff left aside for you.

  10. Ray Avatar

    hey ken, any of those nice posters left? Havnt been on the site in a while, Safari is acting up on me and just really like its RSS handling!

  11. Ken McGuire Avatar

    And Ray makes it five.

    Get yourself a copy of Firefox!

  12. Ray Avatar

    way hey! I have firefox, i just really like the rss handling in safari!

  13. ray Avatar

    hey, what happened to these posters actually?!!

  14. Ian Avatar

    I got one!
    Hey Ken,any chance of the same for Trainspotting?

  15. Ken McGuire Avatar

    I’ve one here for you still, Ray. I’ll drop it into the shop.

    @ian I’m collecting a run of them tomorrow, not sure how many mind you but if there’s spares I’ll hold on to one.

  16. ray Avatar


  17. Ian Avatar

    DIBS! I want the collection! Gawd knows theres enough of them around the place,i’ll take some down afterwards if theres no spares

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