A Peek Into My World…

Google alerts are a handy tool. I use them for a stack of things, but mainly tracking mentions of KilkennyMusic.com, Devious Theatre and my own name online.

An alert arriving this morning flags an update to Katharine Blake’s blog as she’s published an interview I did with the Kilkenny People recently. I say recently but it must be about two months ago at this stage.

The interview and subsequent photo hogged the entire back page of the ‘People (great personal advertisement I tell you). The article itself proved quite interesting. While a lot of money had been spent on regular print ads a few years ago, it garnered nothing close to the response of this article (on all fronts – web, music and theatre).

The idea behind it was to go right back to the very beginning… school talk, college talk, work talk, music talk, right up to present day.

Yes, I enjoyed my few minutes in the headlines. You can read the article in full here.


3 responses to “A Peek Into My World…”

  1. keith bohanna Avatar

    I enjoyed reading it at the time Ken – loads of stuff that I had not picked up from you 🙂


  2. Robin Blandford Avatar

    Lets set a date to do some paddling together…. I haven’t been in a long while now and would love to get out in some surf.

  3. Jennifer Avatar

    Very nice article Ken, I’m not surprised it brought you lots of interest, well done.

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