10MB Broadband Sorted

Finally sorted the 10mb connection. Missed the upgrade form on the website, looks like UPCs upgrade isn’t totally automatic.

Things might run a little faster. The 1mb upstream will be a help on Skype calls anyway and streaming video anyway. 30 bucks a month… plus their ‘standalone’ broadband charge (which is like a levy for not taking their TV package) of 6 bucks a month.


6 responses to “10MB Broadband Sorted”

  1. Forbairt Avatar

    Sweet I didn’t realise you could just opt for a 6 quid a month alternative to taking their TV package

    The TV would have been last turned on by my wife and that was probably 2+ weeks ago ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    It wasn’t so much opting into it as it’s planted on my monthly bill. I argued it given I’ve also got Chorus phone service but didn’t get very far. They discount the line rental to 4.99 a month so 40 bucks give or take for 10mb broadband and phone isn’t too bad. No intention of taking their TV.

  3. Forbairt Avatar

    Think I’m going to look into dropping their TV now ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m online too much for TV and I plan on trying to be more social and TV does not equal social unless you’re in a work environment and get to talk about last nights big brother … yeah!!!

  4. keith bohanna Avatar

    Going to stick with my 24mb nominal, 14mb actual BT connection ๐Ÿ˜‰


  5. Ken McGuire Avatar

    @keith Ooooooooooh… fancy ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Forbairt would be worth a saving of 14 quid a month anyway in dropping the TV, take the standalone charge.

  6. Forbairt Avatar

    Think we’re on the digital package as well (took it cus it was an extra fiver or something at the time on top of the bog standard package.

    Definitely worth looking into will ask Valรƒยฉrie-Anne tonight if she wants the channels or not.

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