Bit of a mad past two days workwise but its time to get back to brass tacks on the blog. Kilkenny Music going 2.0? Not another Web 2.0 novelty…. Its just time to launch the second iteration of KKM, which I’ve begun to implement following a few weeks of hard planning. Those podcasts are finally closer as well 😉
What started out as a one man project rather quickly grew to a two man project and is currently running with three people now involved. Not bad turn around for kicking off last October. It is planned, at least, to have KKM2.0 live and online in time for, if not before our one-year anniversary, the site having launched private on September 18th, with a public launch on October 8th last.
The interface as a whole is getting a major face lift, out with the greys that currently grace the screen and in with some more powerful, vibrant colours; there’s a more indepth service for artists; full syndication of all gigs and events, straight to your inbox; wiki resource for those interested in music technology, covering techniques, tips etc; full podcast access and streaming audio from all the bands involved. For something thats working extremely well at local level, its time to start looking at bringing it a little further afield.
The podcast plans are finally nailed down as well, again, three of us going to be involved in an initial monthly distro. I’ve already entered into talks with getting them carried on local radio.
Speaking of local radio, we’ll be taking over the airwaves this coming Tuesday night, going out on air for the hour between 8pm and 9pm discussing a lot about KKM, what goes on behind the scenes, before delving into resources for bands, a look at online resources and technologies, the local music scene and more.
Busy few days gone and a serious amount of them ahead!