
  • Blog For Barcamp Ireland South East

    Keith is putting some big wheels in motion in terms of Bar Camp Ireland South East and has launched a WordPress blog for the event. There’s no set date yet but its likely it will be held in Carriganore (WIT’s new campus, Waterford) and it should be early next year. Keep your eyes posted to the blog.

    Nice and convenient that John lives in Waterford (helping to put the ‘bar’ into Bar Camp), might just have to put my name down for this given the feedback from Cork. Not necessarily as a speaker, but I certainly wouldn’t mind getting in to a few talks.

    Saturday sounds good to me as well…. Nice and relaxed.

  • Don’t Shoot Me – I’ve Done It Again (Theme change)

    Exactly as the post title says – don’t shoot me. I had felt the previous three column approach had grown a little cluttered and regular visitor to the blog (not including RSS subscribers) may have noticed the same. Given that Sunday (today) is an absolute miserable day, I put on the design cap and made a few changes.

    The grazr stays but has been made wider, while the font size jumps up a peg. Now included in the sidebar is a small profile and photo of myself which had been available in version 6 of the theme (this being version 8 – yes, I know, a lot since October 2005 but four of them don’t really count).

    The search has been moved right to the top (in the header) and the advertising restricted to a single 160*600 block which you will only find by looking for or reading down through the blogroll. The sidebar also adopts the approach used on Mobileblogr (using a combination of single column and split two column) and while the Mobileblogr feed exists within the grazr I have also brought it’s five most recent posts to the homepage in an attempt to draw attention to the blog as it begins to develop.

    Nice to get the decorating done before Christmas….

  • 100 Million Smartphones Shipped

    Symbian are celebrating – they’ve just revealed that there has been 100 million smartphones shipped worldwide and to mark the occasion, Symbian CEO Nigel Clifford appears on an official webcast (available in Real and WM formats). Check it out here.

    Each of the smartphones in question are powered by the Symbian OS.

  • A Look Inside The PS3

    A look inside the PS3, but not how you may expect….

  • Nokia N97 – Fantasy Or Reality?

    Nokia 97

    The Nokia N97 – a fantasy or actually a reality? Rumour has it that this is the N97, packing a serious punch with a 5mp camera and 20GB internal memory! 20gb!

    More here via MobileWhack.

  • Net Visionary Winners

    Here’s the winners from last night’s Net Visionary awards…. Congratulations to everyone involved.

    Social Contribution
    Sean O Dowd – – Winner

    Technology Journalist Award
    John Collins – John Collins (Freelance) – Winner

    Innovation Award
    Niall Kelly – – Winner

    E-government Award
    Peter Dee – Dublin City Council – Winner

    Internet Marketer
    Fintan Lonergan – Aer Lingus – Winner

    Web Designer Excellence
    Declan O Donnell – – Winner

    Web Developer Excellence
    Eimear Fogarty – – Winner

    Online trader
    John Breslin – / Ltd – Winner

    Educational Contribution
    Matt Glowatz – University College Dublin – Winner

    Internet Entrepreneur
    Richard Moyles – Furntech Ltd – Winner

    Mobile Internet Contribution
    Aisling McCabe – RTÉ Publishing – Winner

    Best Online Banking Service
    Gavin Ross – Bank of Scotland (Ireland) – Winner

    Best Podcaster
    Brian Greene – doopdesign – Winner

    Best Blogger
    Twenty Major – Twenty Major – Winner

  • $30m Investment For Medio

    Medio SystemsMobile search startup, Medio Systems, has just announced it is to benefit from US$30m in investment funding according to Mobile search development has been a massive part of mobile news of late, Google launching their own mobile service while in the US mobile operator Sprint have announced a partnership with Microsoft to launch a new mobile search facility.

    On Medio itself –

    Created specifically for mobile, the Medio Search System combines an intuitive, effortless user interface with powerful recommendation and personalization technologies, for a search experience that keeps subscribers coming back.

    On the web, a search normally results in pages of links, leaving users to browse for information. On a mobile device, the time and effort required for a traditional search prevents subscribers from finding and purchasing the mobile content they want. Medio’s technologies provide a click-saving experience, returning answers instead of links. And Medio’s proprietary ranking algorithms balance the subscriber’s preferences, device, location and other information to present personalized, relevant results.

  • Standardising Sitemaps? About Time!

    (via) Interesting developments on the web front over the last week what with Java being opensourced and now the web’s big three (Google, Microsoft and Yahoo) agreeing to a standard sitemap protocol for developers. At a basic level, a sitemap is a top-down view of the link structure of your site with a sitemap itself being an XML file used to describe each of those links in turn, sitemaps making things a lot easier for search engines and web users to find content (and up to date content) on your website.

    Interesting to see what else lies on the collaborative front between these three.

    See also

  • The IT Crowd Returns

    Joy of joy, doing some “forum cruising” tonight I came across several posts stating that Channel 4 have commissioned a second, 8-episode series of The IT Crowd. Can anyone confirm this at all? Hard to find details on C4’s own site.

    For those of you not in the know (via Wikipedia)

    The IT Crowd is set in the offices of Reynholm Industries, a fictitious British corporation in central London. It focuses on the shenanigans of the three-strong IT support team located in a dingy, untidy and unkempt basement – a stark contrast to the shining modern architecture and stunning London views enjoyed by the rest of the organisation.

    Moss and Roy, the two technicians, are portrayed as socially inept geeks. Despite the company’s utter dependence on their services, they are despised by the rest of the staff. Roy’s exasperation is reflected in his support techniques of ignoring the phone in the hope it will stop ringing, and using reel-to-reel tape recordings of stock IT suggestions (“Have you tried turning it off and on again?”, “Are you sure it’s plugged in?”). Moss’s wide and intricate knowledge of all things technical is reflected in his extremely accurate yet utterly indecipherable suggestions, while demonstrating a complete inability to deal with practical problems like extinguishing fires and removing spiders.

    Jen, the newest member of the team, is hopelessly non-technical, despite claiming on her CV that she has “a lot of experience with computers”. As Denholm, the company boss, is equally tech-illiterate, he’s convinced by Jen’s interview bluffing and appoints her head of the I.T. department. Her official title is “relationship manager”, yet her attempts at bridging the gulf between the technicians and the business generally have the opposite effect, landing Jen in situations just as ludicrous as those of her team-mates.

    Its actually crazy how funny the show is and I know that I for one am certainly looking forward to the new series (should the word be true!). Anyone interested, the first series was released on DVD just this week, have it on DVD for EUR 19.49.

  • Bus Eireann Making Web Users Sick?

    Might not make everyone sick but dear God in heaven – why did you remove the old website and replace it with THAT?

    I’ve seen bad websites in my time but this is really taking the piss! What was so wrong with the old website, that was actually usable and in keeping with the likes of and (which uses the same model-ish that the old Bus Éireann site used to use).

    And why change just the homepage to a ridiculous layout and keep all the older existing menus and pages the same? Surely you want to attract people to use the site and surely there’s a nicer way to organise things? Hell, we had a great girl in here on work experience for a week who lashed together a nice website for herself in two days…

    Would you consider changing it back?

    Cheers Michele.

  • Creative Links for 2006-11-15

    Came across the above link yesterday, pretty good going. Was looking for directories to submit the Sound System Podcast too – iTunes was having none of it trying to submit the Apple way. If you’re podcasting, its worth a look.

  • Phones Extinct In Five Years?

    Thats how it looks for 2010/2011, according to DNA Evolutions. How true the statement is remains to be seen. I can still point you in the direction of people holding on to their Nokia 3210s and 3310s because they’re solid phone and do whats needed of them (the odd call and SMS).

    But does it mean that mobile production as we know it now will cease? More and more we’re seeing smartphones come in to the market, bluetooth and camera (still or video) options are now a standard, with WiFi likely the next minimum standard in mobiles. We’re already in a 3G age of streaming media content, video conference calls via mobile and highspeed internet access. So whats next?

    Mobile computers – according to University of Salford Professor Nigel Linge.

    Instead of mobile phones, in five years we will all carry mobile computers on us. So, for example, the communicator on our collar might send signals to the keyboard on our sleeve. Already we are seeing simple everyday objects with communications systems called ‘tags’ built into them.

    Of course it comes as no surprise. When I was finishing my college degree a few years ago we were already looking into options for wearable computing – from RFID chips embedded in clothes to electronic tags embedded in the skin. However, I can’t say that they’ll be completely extinct. Every generation there is a technology that gets left behind – those who refuse to install cable TV as they’re happy with terrestrial, those who refuse to rent DVDs because they’ve already got a video player. Extinct in its current form – maybe, but extinct as a whole I seriously doubt.

  • Meteor Roaming With Vodafone

    Meteor, now owned by Eircom, have announced that from March of next year they’ll be joining Vodafone in a roaming deal to provide extended mobile coverage for those in the west of Ireland, the move mainly of benefit to customers in parts of Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Clare, Galway, Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal, according to RTE.

    Meteor’s existing mobile network now covers about 93% of the population – still lagging behind O2 and Vodafone and have been using O2’s network to provide extended coverage to date.

  • Growth Potential Of Internet Advertising Underestimated – Terry Semel

    Yahoo’s CEO, Terry Semel, has spoken out aobut internet advertising and how its potential growth has been vastly underestimated – given that people never factored in video, social websites and mobile internet content.

    Speaking at the Internet Advertising Bureau Engage conference, Semel said

    Video as you all know will become a major factor on the Internet. It will be everpresent throughout the Internet and it will find its proper way to advertise. So whether it’s mobile or whether it’s video or whether it’s more and more community (social networking sites), these factors have not gone into those numbers, so we think the actual growth potential of advertising online is really being understated.

    This is an interesting point as I feel, and YouTube feel, that mobile advertising from online media sources is seriously underdeveloped. Full integration and operation of the likes of Bebo, YouTube and MySpace into the mobile web, particularly in handset form, offer huge gateways for advertisers, particular amongst younger age groups.

    God knows theres enough people sending around funny videos by mobile phone – why not a funny advert?

  • Good Year For Meteor

    Looks like a good year for Meteor and it looks like their massive advertising campaign of the last few months including a huge spate of radio and TV spots has paid off as they’ve managed to increase their customer numbers by 50% jumping from around 500,000 in November 2005 to around 750,000 in November 2006.

    Number porting (bringing your mobile number to a different network) has been the key to their success they reckon – particularly with contract customers (who now make up 10% of their customer base) and “high use pre-pay customers” (via RTE).

  • Hear Me Live (Kinda)

    So, the One Take Sessions kicked off at the start of the month and a selection of ten tracks from the podcast went live today over at Sound System, including an offering of two from myself.

    If you’re interested, skip forward to about 32/33 minutes through the podcast, first of the tracks being a rare cover of ‘Toffee Pop’ by Damien Rice along with my own ‘Fairground’, slightly different to the reggae version featured on KCLR recently and also on the first Sound System Podcast.

    Other acts featured include DJ Glendon, Kieran Byrne, KKM‘s Assistant Engineer Mickey Boo and Itchy Trigger Finger‘s James Doran.

    As things go, we reckon we’ll have another three podcasts out before the end of the year. Finding our feet a little but enjoy the random conversational style of it all 🙂

  • Delaying Your Online Shopping

    Just wondering, is there anywhere online that allows you to schedule when you would like an item to be shipped and charged for? I do an awful lot of shopping for musical equipment on Thomann which purchase invoices going to break silly figures after Christmas but they’ve recently improved their online customer centre and added in scheduled shipping and charging (they only charge when the item has left the country). Is there anywhere around, offhand, that does the same service for books and DVDs?

  • Decent US Proxy, Anyone?

    A show that I watch on NBC, Kidnapped, has been cancelled due to poor ratings – but I have to find out what happens!! The show was originally penned for 13 episodes which NBC commited to producing the airing. Although they’ve pulled Kidnapped off their tv schedule, they’ve decided to air the episodes exclusively online at the usual time, where you can also go back and watch every episode from the season.

    The show looks like its only available to US viewers and I’ve tried a handful of proxies with no joy this morning – has anyone got a decent one for the US that would allow viewing of the show?

  • Is Your Second Hand Mobile Stolen?

    Not that you’ve had your second-hand mobile handset stolen, but now if you go to buy a previously owned handset you’ll be able to check whether it has been stolen or not – at least in India.

    The Delhi Police are making public the information that usually mobile phone operators only have and are to publish an online database of IMEI/ISMI numbers which you can search directly from their site to check whether the handset has been stolen.

    In a lot of cases, mobile theft goes unreported to police, even at an Irish level. Since mobiles are reasonably affordable with some handsets falling under E70, people often opt to simply buy a new mobile, particularly pre-paid customers. But if you were to report the theft, the mobile operator could flag the phone as stolen and bar it from being used on its network by knowing the phone’s IMEI number (try pressing *#06# on your phone’s keypad to see yours).

    This kind of setup I would certainly like to see in Ireland as I myself have been victim of mobile theft.


  • Improving

    Following Damien’s earlier post, can I suggest the following…

    • Nice logo (get rid of the colour bar)
    • Decent stylesheet (blue links on a blue background don’t go)
    • Option to add original post to, Kick or any other social bookmarking site, links outputted with each post.
    • Utilise the space in the top right corner with something, anything, even if its an ad block, just looks like a white square
    • Add the OPML feed that is suggested in the about section, then enable OPML discovery
    • Graphic links for Politics in Ireland (might be able to get other political bloggers to sport a small button for posts from their chosen party etc.). Something handy, 88*31, 80*15 etc.
    • Make use of meta tags in the source code
    • Possible to arrange a daily email of ‘posts of the day’?

    Just for beginners… it is Saturday night after all…..

    Update: That box in the corner thing… how about a Google search for the site? Does the software have any way of generating a Google sitemap per post?