Analytics : Seeing What Works

Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. You’ll be able to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to convert more visitors.

We believe that web analytics should be simple and sophisticated at the same time. We’ve designed Google Analytics to have enterprise level capabilities and yet still be accessible to anyone who wants to improve their marketing and site design. Google Analytics delivers all the features you’d expect from a high-end web analytics offering, and provides timesaving AdWords integration features.

If you have an AdWords account, you can use Google Analytics directly from the AdWords interface. Google Analytics is the only product that can automatically provide AdWords ROI metrics, without you having to import cost data or add tracking information to keywords. Of course, Google Analytics tracks all of your non-AdWords initiatives as well.

I’ve just signed up for a dedicated AdWords account for my blog to begin testing both features but from running through the interface it seems like Google have yet again come up with another winner. The installation of the tracker is simple – a little copy and pasting of a few lines of JavaScript into your head tags and away you go.

Best feature? It doesn’t cost you a penny…. Check Out Google Analytics


5 responses to “Analytics : Seeing What Works”

  1. keith bohanna Avatar

    Looks good Ken doesn’t it? A service that used to cost nearly $200 per month now FOC!


  2. Ken Avatar

    sure does. seems a pretty impressive service and if its going gratis then i’ll take it up. waiting to activate adwords for the blog now and try tie the two together, while also putting it into practice with the eventIreland side of things. might be something to consider so for DBT

  3. David Avatar

    I followed your comment link from Problogger. I’ve been trying to install my Google Analytics code working with WP and havehad no luck. My status is still unconfirmed. I’ve put it right after the “” tag. Any suggestions?

  4. David Avatar

    Nevermind here is the working link after several revisions by the author.

  5. Ken Avatar

    Hey David, no worries. Sorry about my delay in returning your post.

    When I installed the Analytic code myself on WP I edited the actual theme file as opposed to using the plugin, I should have made that clearer myself – my apologies. In editing the theme file, simply edit ‘header.php’ in the Presentation section of WP admin and slot the tags in anywhere before the tag….

    Here’s hoping it works for you and you get the use of it! I’m pretty excited by it, nice not having to fork out $199 a month for the service!

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