TypePad users to get video

Video blogging, vlogging, v-logs… whatever you want to call them – just got a step closer for some users as SixApart have announced a partnership with VideoEgg & Serious Magic

VideoEgg has been kind enough to make a preview version of VideoEgg Publisher available to TypePad users free of charge, at typepad.videoegg.com. From their site you can log in to your TypePad account and use VideoEgg to post a short video to your blog.

Doesn’t leave anything for us WordPress users… but nice to see VideoEgg raising its head again

Read the full story


2 responses to “TypePad users to get video”

  1. keith bohanna Avatar

    Good spot Ken. I used the preview service a couple of times – or rather tried to. Each time it stalled on the upload of the file from my PC to their server. A direct upload to Typepad worked each time!
    I guess there was an underpowered stgaging server involved. Hopefully they will sort it out by the time it goes live.


  2. Ken Avatar

    Thought it might interest you as it came up at the weekend…. and seen as you’re one of “those” people…. with your typepad…. and fancy free video….. 😉

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