Become a Web 2.0 success

This is gas… by that I mean pretty funny, though looking at it on the outside, it does hold some valid points. Want to become a Web 2.0 success? Or at least get that Web 2.0 ball rolling?

Here’s a good one that I had to reproduce… all credit goes to Suhail over at Imaginathon. The article and comments in full can be found here.

The standard template of a Basically Blah 2.0 web-startup is to first select a name totally devoid of any meaning in the context of the service the application provides. If it starts with digits, all the more better. To convert this name into a hotshot thingie, all you have to do is register a URL and make a big-buttoned-app-name-in-text as the logo.

Add another small icon like a leaf, or a fruit or something “herbal/organic” which looks appealing enough that you might want to eat. Throw some RSS feed icons everywhere across the page. Keep a big text box wherein you beg for visitor’s emailID and promise them that exciting ideas are being thrashed out. In your “About” page spout some of the words from the above list. Ajax is mandatory. Wait till you make half a million accounts.

Screw up with the browser’s back button. Sell out to Yahoo for a few million. Profit. Throw parties, attend conferences, generally move around like a hotshot. Start a blog on how to save 30 seconds while blowing your nose. Give it an equally stupid name, like ummm…30seconds? Move to the Silicon Valley.

Add that “a Yahoo company” superscript to the logo. Introduce planned downtime and say that you are moving servers to Yahoo. And ofcourse your App remains in a perpetual Beta state for continuous customer satisfaction. Thusly, nirvanification shall be attained.

Once again, the original web 2.0 article can be found here….


4 responses to “Become a Web 2.0 success”

  1. Alan Avatar

    I am taking notes 🙂

  2. Ken Avatar

    hell i’d try it for the laugh if it would work! nice to bring a bit of humour to break the week 😉

  3. Suhail Kazi Avatar

    Ken, glad you liked it. However yr excerpt of my post is incomplete without the Jelly logo, no? Feel free to steal it 🙂


  4. Ken Avatar

    ah thanks very much dude… i was hoping people would get the nice surprise by logging into your own website! the jelly logo rocks… most certainly web 2.0! fair play on a great article 😀

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