Keeping your PC safe from harm

An old article this, but nonetheless important to read especially for those not up on securing their computers. I look after my computer setup at home with great care, I look after my computer in work, I look after a computer network for another company and am usually the port of call for friends and family (someone in your family is usually the port of call!)

Anyway, here’s the 10 Commandments of PC Security. And it goes a little somethin’ like this…

  1. Remember thy antivirus software and keep it updated
  2. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s attachments.
  3. Avoideth bogus file download
  4. Smite spyware and pop-ups
  5. Thou shalt foil spammers
  6. Keep thy operating system patched
  7. Maketh a rescue disk and keep it handy
  8. Be not taken in by false claims
  9. Honour thy firewall
  10. Maketh backups and keep them holy

While reading that, if you can imagine a seven foot tall bearded man with a hint of rage in his eyes and a very, very loud voice shouting them back to you it might help get the point across. I’ve seen more people lose vital information, files, photos, accounts – you name it – because they either ignore computer security or are simply unaware of what to do. Time to start learning folks!


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