Securing Creative Imagination

Frequent visitors and commenters on Creative Imagination will notice that if you go to post a comment on the blog now you will be met by a security graphic which must be retyped in order to complete your post. I’ve taken this measure due to increased spam comments that keep appearing, 30 of which arrived tonight in the space of a few minutes. Sorry to Michele who got caught in the middle while I was installing the plugin as well 🙂

Anyway, the plugin works as far as controlling posting, I’ll know within the next day or so if it does its job ‘exactly as it says on the tin’. For those of you interested, you can download the plugin for WordPress here.


4 responses to “Securing Creative Imagination”

  1. Sean Avatar

    I suppose if we must.. oh no i have to go and press number keys now! 🙁

  2. Ken Avatar

    You’ve got the same setup on blogger if you didn’t notice and if it keeps those spam comments at bay I’ll be happy enough! Have one or two other options to explore but I’m at least hopeful of this. Should lighten the email load during the day!

  3. Sean Avatar

    i suppose.. but im changing from blogger soon..

  4. Ken Avatar

    WordPress is definately my blog of choice, having tried a few of them. Given its open source nature you have so much room to move around and play with the backend, and the front. Plus, it would be a great learning opportunity for yourself to explore everything it has to offer.

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