A point that I raised some time ago now was the introduction of a National Blogging Day with a possible date set at August 1st. Just me throwing out ideas, something Mr. Mulley and one or two others seemed to like as well.
Irregardless of whether it takes off or not, or whether it could be shifted to coincide with the Blog Awards you can expect afore mentioned post from me on the day. Hell if the whole thing takes off I can always add a few lines at a later date… just something to get the ball rolling! The idea I think is fairly simple. One day out of the year (my intial suggestion being August 1st), take a few minutes out of your day and throw up a post telling the world, or your readers – whoever – a little about what blogging has done for you in the previous year. Not looking at all the years, just the previous 12 months, that way every year it can be built upon with ease.
Just a few minutes, whether its 2 or 3 lines, a paragraph or a big hearty post!
Maybe it would be nice to have it coincide with the Blog Awards – at least that way you can ensure that there’ll be a bit of a pissup afterwards *ahem* “meet and greet session” *ahem* (thats the right order, yeah? ;))
What do all the good folk of the Blog O’Sphere say, hmmmm?
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