Mobile Operators Sites Pissing People Off

I’ve blogged before about my gripes with as a website but now it seems Vodafone are falling into that hole as well, as John reveals. I won’t get into the fact that I still think (despite the odd good experience) that the site is still slow and useless at the best of times.

Is anyone genuinely satisfied with the performance of their mobile operator’s website? Wonder how the Tesco mobile service will go when it launches this summer.


3 responses to “Mobile Operators Sites Pissing People Off”

  1. Sean Avatar

    Meteor. No problems.. 🙂

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    well for some isn’t it! he he….

    At least we know one of them works. From what I know of, it isn’t the most advanced of sites but I’ve still never heard any problems about it.

  3. Sean Avatar

    I haven’t heard of any problems from meteor either. I have never have a problem sending a text etc. etc. The design might not be great but other than that the whole thing is grand

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