Microsoft Apologises For Malware Installs

Whoever approves ads for Windows Live Messenger could possibly be looking for a new job this week. Microsoft have come out and apologised publicly for advertising Errorsafe, a known malware application, for the past few days across the Live network.

The banners inside the Windows Live Messenger advertised Errorsafe, an application that claims to detect and repair computer problems. The software is notorious because it often gets installed without the user’s permission and because it presents false security warnings that are intended to make the user purchase a licensed copy of the software. (via)/blockquote>

Microsoft’s response?

We apologise for the inconvenience and are reviewing our ad approval process to reduce the chance of an occurrence such as this happening again.

Hopefully they don’t take as long as Aer Lingus do in reviewing their handling of customer complaints. After listening to Ray D’Arcy in the office yesterday (the watchdog slot) it seems they’ve a long way to go on a promise made many moons ago…..


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