Finding Me Online Made Easier

Given that so many of us have online presences across various networks I’ve decided to add a little feature to the header of the blog, replacing my 468*60 AdSense text banner with shortcut icons (links) to my Twitter, Jaiku, Bebo, MySpace, Skype, Podcast and RSS feed.

I’m leaving out one or two links for the time being including Linked In (which I don’t really use at all) and Facebook (which I’m only recently getting into).

I should also note that the Sound System Podcast isn’t just from me, though in most cases I’m acting as the anchor for the show, but it is hosted by the team.

The icons do add a little splash of colour to the header don’t ya think?


5 responses to “Finding Me Online Made Easier”

  1. Damien Mulley Avatar

    Maybe you should have more deliniation between the header and the icons for the various services? I actually didn’t spot them, thinking they were part of your header banner.

  2. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Guess it isn’t that easy after all….

    Point noted.

  3. Sean Avatar

    I love them! They don’t stand out much though, but they are still great!

  4. Ken McGuire Avatar

    Cheers for that too Sean, yes, I’ve got to make them stand out a little more from the header.

  5. Sean Avatar

    Noticed that just as I logged on! Nearly the first thing I looked at once the page loaded! Good work!

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